11/29 - 12/3

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      I was hanging out with Ian at his place watching him work out. "You want to join me?" He asked doing push ups.
      "No thank you. I like hiking better." I said sitting up.
      "Hey Ian you're looking good. Wanna go on a run later with me?" A guy asked coming upstairs.
      "Yeah sure. Oh uh Jonah this is my friend Tate. Tate this is my brother Jonah," Ian said getting up.
      I waved smiling while he walked past me. Wow ok. "Your brother sort of a douche," I whispered to Ian.
      "Girlfriend problems. He kinda doesn't want to interact with girls right now," he whispered smiling. "I can still hear you two."
      "Sorry man." Ian called out then turn to me and shook his head then going upstairs. "Girls are the worst I'm sorry."
      "You haven't met the worst till you met my girlfriend," Jonah said fixing himself coffee. Damn. "You seem like a good guy though." "I attract the wrong kind of girls."
      "What do you mean by that?" I asked sitting at the counter. "It's just a Gallagher thing honestly. We just have horrible taste in partners."
      "I think we get it from our father Frank. You have to meet our mother Monica." He said pouring another cup of coffee and handing it to me. "Thanks."
      "Anytime. Milk is in the fridge and sugar in the cabinet." He said going back upstairs. Lovely guy.
      Ian came downstairs little bit later. "Was Jonah nice to you?" He asked kissing the top of my head. "The nicest."


"Who's playing tonight?"
I was sitting in between Corbyn and Fiona while the Gallagher family and I watched tonight's basketball game.
"Bulls and Clovers I think," Fiona's youngest brother Liam said sitting down last.
This whole day they treated me like family and made me feel at home.
"Come here you look cold," Corbyn said sharing his blanket with me pulling me close.
Corbyn though has been treating me a little bit more then a friend.


      "Hey please don't ticket me," I said running to car looking at the police officer.
      "No ma'am I wasn't going to ticket you. I only ticket the rich cars cause us poor people need a break some days."
      "Using your power for good?" "Yeah I'm tired of these people getting away with everything after all," the police officer said smiling.
      "You're one of the good ones Officer Gallagher. We should hang out sometime," I said getting in my car.
      "If we're going to hang out you should call me Carl." He said going over to my window.
      "Well Carl we should hang out as friends," I said writing down my number and name on a card I have and giving it to him. "I'll like that Madison."


Finally peace and quiet. Well as peaceful and quiet as it can be when you're at a bar midday. Who's going to look for me here? No one in my family would believe I'm here.
Im the sibling who hates drinking. The sibling who's not as bad as Frank. The sibling who's least like Frank. The sibling who hates being in here.
No one gonna come here to look for me. No girlfriends and no siblings. I only hope that Gabbie isn't too worried. Yeah that's my only concern.


      "Zach my boy." My father Frank called out from a alleyway. I know exactly what he was going to ask for. "Do you have any money I can borrow?"
      "No. I'm broke," I said crossing the street. I don't want anyone from my job to know I'm related to him. Since new people moved in it felt like I wasn't as linked to him as before.
      "Come on now. We both know that's far from the truth." He said following me. "It's really not." I said going up the trains to the El.
      "You always have money when you need it. Your my son you're supposed to help me too. You do know that right?" He asked still following me. "Isn't it supposed to go both ways though?"
      "What do you mean?" He asked scratching his balls. Ladies and gentleman my father. "You do realize that you never took care of me. You never took care of any of your kids."
      "If it wasn't for me you would never be alive." He said trying to grab my arm. "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have to work two jobs at a young age. Now fuck off Frank." I said easily dodging him and getting on the train.

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