my girlfriend.

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It was hotter than fish grease outside, melting my baby hairs, and I was out here arguing with Georgia. Her personality was just the way it sounded. Peachy at first then the heat became so damn unbearable.

Couldn't stand being the apple of her eye, not anymore. People always wanted the obsessive love until it was in their front yard. Literally.

"I've called your phone fifty five times, and you act like you can't pick up once. But here you are, with her."

The look on my face told Georgia that I wasn't moved by those phone calls, or the fact that she was in my front yard. I had been through the stages of her obsession. I'd been through the surprise, the depression, the excitement, the burnout. Now I was just done.

"There must be a chemical imbalance somewhere in your brain. I didn't leave any room for the imagination either so I know your dissonance is intentional."

"Stop with those damn words Onika. You tryna make me look stupid or something?"

"If it quacks like a duck..." I pivoted and went to my front door with her following closely behind me. I turned back around, stopping her. "I'm going into my house now, and you are not allowed inside. Don't try to make a scene out here either. My neighbors are old, white people. They'll call the police on you before I do."

Her jaw rocked, side to side, wanted to say something but wouldn't. She knew better.

"Come on Tommy, she's not going to do anything."

Tommy ran up the steps, waving at Georgia when she got to the door. She waved her way inside, pettiness in her veins.

"Accept it Georgia, this is over. Been over. Will always be over."

I went in the house without hearing whatever it was she had to say. I was done talking. Done listening.

I tried listening to Georgia, but in that time, she didn't want to open her mouth. She was too complicated and I just didn't want to be a part of that journey anymore.

"I want Nancy to call the police on that psycho," Tommy stared out at Georgia through the blinds.

I slapped her arms, made her shut the blinds. "Don't give her any more attention."

"She got all these white people looking at your house all crazy."

I changed the subject. "What are we doing tonight?"

"Oh now you want to do something tonight?"

"Have to. Need to get everybody and everything off of my mind."

Tommy was my free bird. She was bold and curved in all the right places. She was a creative, thought very deeply, and had a beautiful feminine aura surrounding her. She was 5'8, and all legs. People came at her all day, every day, Tommy never having to pay for a drink since she could drink legally. By proxy, I never had to either.

I could get my own, but our personalities were different. I wasn't the flirter unless I was comfortable, and I didn't get comfortable often.

"Let's go to Bleu Flame. I know Daniel's going to be there," She had stars in her eyes thinking about her bartending boy toy. They played their game and sometimes she'd stick around until his shift ended just to get her some late night lovin'.

Tommy refused to take him serious because he was dead broke but they had feelings that were undeniable. I bet the sex was off the chain.

"Do you have any protests? 'Cause we're on the phone right now."

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