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why i gotta fuck you up to make you fuck like that...

september 9th.

I rolled my eyes walking back inside our bedroom, able to hear Onika's whining and complaining from down the hall. I thought leaving the room would cool her down by the time I came back to finish getting dressed, but she was still bitching.

"You got me fucked up too," She squinted her eyes at me, watching me through the mirror.

"Nobody did shit to you. Shut up."

She threw her middle finger up at me before ignoring me entirely. I shook my head.

She opened her eyes with an attitude. I rolled over to grab her this morning and she shrugged me off. She was disrespectful every time she opened her mouth. She was snippy and rude, and I was over it. I'd been nice about it at first, wanted her to get all that out of her system, but she was still going. I could show her ass what rude really looked like. If she kept this shit up, she'd soon find out.

"Don't carry that attitude to dinner," I told her.

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do."

I ran my tongue over my teeth, staring at her even though she refused to look my way.

I was trying to give her a chance to chill the fuck out. I didn't even know what she was mad about.

"Like I said, don't carry that attitude to dinner. My parents aren't here for all that."

"Like I said, don't tell me what the fuck to do."


I took a seat at the end of our bed, pulling my shoes on.

"Zip my dress up for me," She said rudely and I looked to her with my eyebrows raised.

"Who you talking to?"

She sucked her teeth, "Stop being so damn difficult. Zip the dress up."

"No. Figure the shit out since you can't figure out how to talk to people."

"Fuck you," She stomped into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

I stood up to follow behind her disrespectful ass, but before I could, my phone was ringing. I looked dead at the door as I answered.

She was lucky.

"Wassup Mama?"

"Hi Sweetie."

"Y'all already at Nobu?"

"No," I could hear the irritation in her voice, "Your father is taking his sweet time."

"Tell him not to rush. Onika is nowhere near ready."

"I'm not going to tell him that. By the time he gets finished, I'm not going to wanna go anymore."

"Who you tellin'?"

My eyes followed Onika when she stepped back out of the bathroom. She jumped at me when she felt like I was looking at her for too long. I stopped looking at her. I was at the end of my rope with this attitude.

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