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Bakugou pov:

It turns out they were villains... there might be even more to. Who could they be? Could it be Mina?! Or denki? No it couldn't be him, he's a dumbass. Unless... no no no no no no no. Stop thinking about this. Deku betrayed us all. So did the rest. I'm most upset about Deku leaving. I'M NOT WEAK OR ANYTHING! It's just that... it's been his dream to become a hero. What happened...? Was it me? Is it because I bullied him...? I have so many questions. Also where is Charlie? Maybe he left with them. Wasn't he a new student or something? Or he was probably another spy. Ugh.

"You all can go to ur dorms. It's going to be rough taking all this information in. And I'm sorry this all happened. Your friends left for there own reasons. Take this week off to relax so we can get things straight on pur side. Don't go outside Ua, it's so dangerous for the time being. We will supply you with food and anything possible to get. I hope you will understand." Aziwa said

"Any questions?"

"Why can't we go outside?" Said mina

"There was some sightings of multiple villains around the city, ever since Midoriya and the others left."

"Makes sense." Said kiri

"Anything else?"

"So, do you know when everything will be safe...?" Said denk

"Hmm, were hoping in a few weeks things will be cleared but don't get to hopefully yet. Were not entirely sure"

"Anything else?"

"No" we all said

"Your dismissed." He said walking out

We all got up quietly with a few whispers around the room. We left and walked in different directions. My room was at the end of the hall across from another wall. Basically I was at a dead end with 1 other room close to mine. The storage closet. I was basically alone. There was a window though. It had a great view of the city. I walked into my room locking my door behind me. I was so dreadful to take another shower, so I layed there. I felt... sad. I felt a drop roll down my warm, pale cheek as I turned around to look out my window. I never cried before. Only when I fell on a branch once when I was little. I never cried again after that. Did I miss Deku?

I did. I can't lie to myself. I do miss Deku, but does he miss me...? Probably not. He was playing with my feelings. He doesn't actually like me. Or want to be my friend. He's fake. There all fake. In this world I only have myself. I know the others care but... its not what I mean. I mean someone who loves me. I'll never have that. Ugh I'm so tired if this. Hold on...

Don't I get my abilities tomorrow?! I forgot about that! Shit shit shit shit shit! I totally forgot! Ughhhhhh!

I got up and whipped my left over tears I had. I changed into my favorite black shirt and sweat pants.

Nock Nock Nock!

Hm? Who could that be? Mina? Denki? Kirishima? I opened the door to see some oddly shaped tall man with a black hoodie and jeans. I couldn't see his face, his hair was covering it.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I yelled

Before I started to fell dizzy. I heard a thud then everything went pitch black.

(3 hours later)


Where am I? I can't see anything! My hands... there tied to a chair. So is my body. Everything is quiet. The air is still.      Just were am I? Did I get kidnapped? By who? Villans? So many questions poured into my head, I didn't notice someone quietly entering my room.

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