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Bakugou POV:

I should do shower now. Deku left so it's fine.

I got up and entered the shower. Taking off my clothing in the process. I turned the shower on, cold water came out first. Then slowly started to turn warm.

This is relaxing. I think I needed this. My headache died down. I could still feel a little pain, but most of it went to my lower back. It hurts. If feels like its burning.

After a few minutes in the shower the pain got worst. It felt like someone was pouring hot water on my back. It stings more then ever!

(The warm shower water he's showering with isn't as hot as you think)

I stepped out the shower and grabbed a towel. My clothing was dirty, I can't put that on. I picked my clothing up and put them in the bin next to the sink.

I walked out seeing a suit laying on the bed, with a note beside it saying:

"Please wear this suit I have left on the bed. Me and the other villains have a meeting at the table. Please don't come out until I say you can. Don't think about running away, I have cameras next to the door and windows. If you mange to jump out the window the fall is further then you think. The forest reaches miles and miles away. Escaping isn't easy~"

"Love your's truly, Deku ♡"

Well that answers 2 of my questions. So I can't escape unless I have someone on the inside help me.

I look outside to see it snowing. Snowing? It isn't winter yet. Have I stayed here that long!? Wait no I haven't. There's a clock in here. 7:23. Its early. I haven't ate anything since yesterday morning...

I'm starving.

I look over to the desk. How did I not notice this? There's 2 slices of bread and orange juice with a orange on the side. I mean he left me food.

I quickly ate it leaving nothing behind. I was pretty good. I walked around the room a few times grazing my ha da against the room walls. It's so boring in here. There's nothing to do but walk around. He even took the T.V remote. Maybe the books have something good in them.

I flipped to the first page reading:

"My love! Please don't leave me behind!"
"I'm sorry darling I have to go!

Does he actually read this sappy shit? Probably. He's so weird. So he likes love story's? He must be pretty lonely guy. Damn, that's tough.

Hm. What's this book? Hold on this isn't a book. It's a diary, but its locked. Is it possible to lock something with ur quirk? Unless you have a quirk that can unlock and lock anything.

I'm wondering. Does Deku have more then 1 quirk? It seems that way....

8:37. He's not back yet. This meeting it taking forever.

I lay in silence.


(That's the door btw. Not somthing else u dirty mind reader.)

Shit. I look up. He's back.

"Kachan! Ur wearing the suit!"

"yeah so." I rolled my eyes and sat up

"Why the fuck did you take so long?"

"Awww~ were you worried?"

"Hell no." I spat

"Miss me?"


He walked over and say beside me, rapping his hand around my waist and pulling me in his lap.

"Could you not?" I said trying to get up

"Hmm, no~" he said and pulled me back down

"Question, are you gay?"

"Hm. So what if I am?"

"Oh so you are?"

"I'm bi"

"Oh ok." I sad looking away




I rolled my eyes.

"Can you release me?"


Horny basterd.

I sat up more comfortable. So the pain in my lower back could ease. I didn't hell at all. It actually made the pain worse.


SHIT, what the fuck came out my mouth!?


I quickly covered my mouth. And slid down his chest a bit.

Izuku pov:

Shit. What was that? Its was so... cute. Shit. I'm hard. I can't do this to kachan just yet. I need to calm down.


That sound~

Bakugou pov:

What under my ass? Its poking me. Wait a damn minute....it that.... DEKU?! THATS HIS DICK! ITS POKING ME!




"Why is there dick poking me?"

A big smirk appeared on his face with a little tinted of blush on the side.


Hell no. I can't do this. I'm not gay?! Or am i......?

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