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Izuku pov:

The truth is. I haven't been completely honest with bakugou. I new all about his wolf abilities. My family actually set war apon the wolfs. I wasn't apart of it because I hadn't been born yet. They all died out because of my family, and there villains.

"I have something to tell you..." I say nervously



We stare at eachother for a few minutes.

"What is it...?" He says breaking the silence

"I actually new about your abilities..."

His eyes widened and he stared straight at me.



"Let me explain."


"Well, my family actually killed out the wolfs...."

".... the fuck...."

"I wasn't born so it's not really my fault."

He looks really surprised and angry.

"Well then how did you know I had wolf abilities?"

"My mom told me..."


We stayed quiet for the longest time. Non of us moved or said anything.

I finally broke the odd silence and went to the closet, I picked out a black shirt and shorts. I walked out seeing kachan laying down with his eyes closed. I walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I slid my clothing off, and walking into the shower. The warm water hit my skin. It felt relaxing. It's been....... a weird day.

About 15 minutes later I finished. I grabbed my towel and wiped myself off. I changed and stepped out the bathroom. Kachan was sleeping soundly. I quietly picked him up and placed him into to the bed. I walked over and shut fhe currents. I turned the light off and got in bed.

I wrapped my arms around my kachan, he stiffened a little but quickly relaxed. I pulled him closer and kissed him on the head before falling asleep.

~My sweet little kachan~ ♡

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