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Bakugou pov:

This idiot. I roll my eyes and moved away from him, almost falling since I'm still tied up. Whats his problem? 



"Your so cute!"

"Ugh..." I rolled my eyes again

"Can you untie me?"



"But you'll run away." He whimpered 

"I won't..." 

I lied. Of course I would. Who would want to stay here?

"Your lying. I can tell." He said staring into my sole

"I'm not" I said nervously

"Ok~ prove it~" He said putting his hand to his chin while smirking creppyly at me.

"How will I do that?"

He smirked and went to the closet. What was he planning to do... He came back holding something I his hand. A collar? I hope that wasn't for me... 

Nope it's for me. Ugh...! 


"If you wear this for 3 days it'll prove your not lying!"

"A collar?"

"Yes!" He said smiling while wrapping it around my neck.

"But im not a dog..."

"Oh! I know!"


He wrapped it around the bed pole thing. He put a lock that looked un lockable... SHIT. DOES HE HAVE SOME KIND OF DOG KINK OR SOMETHING?! THE FUCK!

"Kachan, you look so cute!~"

"Shut up man..." I said rolling my eyes


He untied me and got off the bed.

"The shower is over there." He said while walking off, locking the door behind him.

The chain made it so I could reach the shower and closet, but not the door. So I was trapped here untill, I don't know. It could be weeks or even months. MAYBE EVEN YEARS! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!! I FORGOT IM GETTING MY EARS TOMMORROW! SHIT? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO! I CANT REACH MY MOM. THEY EVEM TOOK MY PHONE! UGHHHHHHHH. I fucking hate this. My mom I HAD to reach her no matter what. It seems that these villains are stronger then me. What happens when I turn into a wolf? My mom was really serious about me going to see her. So what happens if I don't...? What's gonna happen? I'm in a big situation right now. I have to find away out of here.

I looked around for a place to leave, there were windows but I couldn't really see it from here. It must be night. It looks dark out. Who knows how far we are from Ua. If I ever escape, where do I go...? I don't know where I am. Who knows how big this forest is. Maybe I'll get the change.............. Maybe..............

(The next day)

Ugh. Who's trying to strangle me to death with there arm? Oh. It's deku... damn his arm is heavy. He must work out. Damn! He's got a Six pack. Anyways, where is his shirt! And why's he so close to me? I knew he was gay. Why is he hugging me though? Does he like? Probably. There's a BIG possibility he might. We've been childhood friends since we were 4 years old. 



"Ur up?"

"Well no shit." I spat back at him


Horny mother fucker.....

He w

Stayed there in silence for a bit.

Izuku pov:

Kachan is so cute with his collar on! When I walked in last night he was sleeping, so I thought I would join him! I took my shirt off and hugged his waist. Making sure he wouldn't leave, and if he did I would know. I don't ever want Kachan to leave. He's mine. Forever. I'll never let him go. Ever.

Bakugous pov:

Ugh this guy. Rolled my eyes and tried to shove his arms off. It didn't work. They were to heavy and strong. I can't believe he's stronger then me! I mean I'm nit weak or anything! I'm just supprised. Ugh my head hurts! Shit! Damn it hurts!

I slowly out my hands on my head and closed my eyes really tight. Shit! This hurts like hell!

"Are you ok Kachan...?"

"I'm fine!" I said with tears in my eyes

"Kachan. Ur not ok."

"Yes I am!" I said

He grabbed me and pulled me into his lap.

"What the fuck!" I said supprised 

"Ur crying..."


"Yes you are." He said with a stern voice

"What happened?" 

Shit. I can't tell him!

"I'm just tired..."

"Kachan, I know ur lying." He said glaring at me

"I'm not see!" I yawned and rubbed my eyes

Izuku pov:

Shit why is he crying? I hope I didn't do anything. Holy shit... he's so damn cute when he yawns like that! Shit. I might get hard. He's not ready for that yet. But why was he crying? Or was he just crying because he's crying

(Guy you know when you wake up to find ur self randomly crying? It's like that)

I'm still suspicious though...

Bakugou pov:

Thanks God he believes me! If he didn't I don't know what I would do. This terrible headache must be me getting my wolf ears. Deku got up and went to the bathroom. He must want to shower.

(15 minutes later)

Shit he finally done. He walked to his closet and when he came out... shit. I'm not gay thought. Why am I think about this shit? Maybe I'm bi? I mean I never really thought about my sexuality. I was always into girls so I never really thought about it so much. Damn though. That black suit looks so good on him! SHIT. THIS IS NOT TIME TO BE DROOLING OVER A VILLAIN WHO KIDNAPPED ME!

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