Chapter 9 - Buckbeak

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Harry POV

I sat with Lucy in the grass, for we had gotten to class early, birds sang sweet songs, ravens flew by every now and then, and the gentle wind blew through Lucy and I's hair. I turned to Lucy "Beautiful, isn't it?" She nodded, "Yes it's magical..." She mumbled, halfheartedly,  even when she smiled I could still see it was all a facade, every now and then I could see fear flicker in her crystal blue eyes, fear of facing her brother, fear of being in a new school, fear of what her family would think if she was even talking to me, let alone friends with me. A fear that I had walked with ever since I came to Hogwarts ever since I figured out what really happened with my parents.

We heard footsteps behind us and turned to see it was Ron arguing with Hermione, "But divination is at the same time as ancient runes, you would have to be in two places at once!"

"Don't be silly, Ronald, how can someone be in two places at once? Broaden your mind."

The two approached us still somewhat arguing, "Hello Lucy," Hermione begun, "I'm so happy you could join us this year, I don't know how you do it, you know being a first year in third year's classes." Lucy laughed.

"Wow, I stumped the Hermione Granger? Tis an honor." Lucy stretched out a hand to shake 'Mione's and I let a chuckle escape my lips. I noticed after Ron had stopped laughing at Hermione, who was slightly annoyed, had nudged Ron in the side of his stomach. Lucy's giggles had stopped abruptly and her face had turned cold, she was staring over Hermione's head, so I followed her gaze and saw a slim, platinum blonde haired boy walking down the stone steps, Malfoy, Malfoy with a look that could kill.

Before Draco could say anything, Hagrid stepped out and kids huddled around him, "Cmon, now get a move on!" He called "Got a great lesson for yeh today! Is everyone here? Alrigh' lets go!" We followed him around winding trees, about five minutes later we got to a clearing, "Okay I'll be righ' back, don't be wonderin off on me."

Hagrid then left for a brief moment everyone was quiet, it was just silence, I turned to see Draco watching Crabbe and Goyle attempting to open their books who would bite back at them every time they came close, Hermione saw this, and quickly responded "You have to stroke the spine." she told them, then sighed as if it was obvious, "I think their quite funny." Ron laughed.

"Oh terribly funny, real witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Father will have a fit when he finds out Dumbledore has this oaf teaching classes,"

"Shut up, Malfoy." I stated, setting my foot down. He looked up behind me, put on a terrified look "Harry..." He started

"DEMENTOR!!" He yelled pointing up behind me. Everyone turned around and sighed when they figured out he was joking.

Lucy POV

"Shove off, Dra-" before I could finish Harry pulled me back, which was probably good for Draco because any closer and be punching him. He took a bite of his apple, as I angrily sighed. I heard trotting hoof-steps behind me and I turned to see an enormous hippogriff.


"Hippogriff!" Both me and Hermione shouted excitedly. "Everyone, this is Buckbeak." My jaw hung open, Hagrid must have seen this cause he commented, "Miss Lucy, how about yeh give petting him a try.

Draco scoffed as if I wasn't the right person to do this, with a thirst to prove him wrong, I walked forward. "Now hippogriffs hate bein' insulted, so teh begin, bow teh him." I dipped down bowing to the winged creature. I could feel my brother's piercing stare in the back of  my neck. I chuckled, he had always been so protective, sometimes it was quite annoying.

I looked up to see Buckbeak bowing to me. "Righ', now yeh should be able to pet him," I bit my lip and cautiously inched forward. After a few seconds I was resting a palm on his beak, he jerked back, frightening me and apparently Draco because he reached for his wand. Buckbeak soon relaxed under my touch. He closed his eyes calmly as if enjoying me and the tension hovering over the class was suddenly released.

"Righ' then, I reckon he might let you ride him."

"WHAT!?" I looked up surprised but her was already lifting me up onto Buckbeak. "Hey, hey, hey, Hagrid!" I attempted to argue, "Alrigh' there yeh go." I as now sitting atop the winged creature. "I turned to Ron, Harry, and Hermione, but they returned it with a 'that's Hagrid for you' look.

Hagrid gently hit Buckbeaks backside. He reared up on his hind legs and took off into a full sprint. I held on for dear life, He was heading towards a cliff, I felt as if we were going to fall but no, I looked around to see we were leaving the ground, I was flying! We soared over the edge of the Forbidden Forest and I could see where me and Harry were talking not so long ago. The wing beats pounded like the sound of a beating heart, and the wind whistled as it passed my ears.

Buckbeak dipped down towards the ground resulting in us tipping forward, plummeting two the dirt floor. I held on tightly and the hippogriff landed, planting his hooves in the ground, I let go to see my fellow classmates staring at me in shock.

Hagrid helped me off and I ran back and stood near the Golden Trio but a cold hand grabbed my arm and swung me around. I was about to scream but I quickly figured out it was just Draco.

"What do you w-"

"YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED!!" He whisper yelled at me. I held my ground and didn't loosen my frown towards him. I turned to see Harry getting on Buckbeak, my brother must have seen this since he mumbled, "Clearly it isn't that hard if Potter can do it." I rolled my eyes wanting to argue but decided against it when I remembered what happened last time.

Draco now had a firm grasp on my shoulder, I tried to walk back over to my friends but he held me back, "Dray, let go..." I stated firmly, "You're not going over there. You will stay here with the Slytherin students." My jaw dropped as he said this.


"No buts."

Harry had just landed and hopped off Buckbeak and Draco shoved me over to Zabini who grabbed my arm holding me in place. He stormed through the crowd of kids, pushing two Slytherin students out of the way. "You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute?" Oh, not a good idea, Dray, Not. A. Good. Idea. Before anyone could say anything, the hippogriff had hit reared, hitting Draco in the arm, it wasn't the deep for there was barely any blood. But Zabini had let go of me and Pansy was at the front trying to see if Draco was hurt badly. 

"It's killed me!" He yelled, dramatically, the git was such a drama queen. He whimpered like a lost puppy as Hagrid picked him up and took him off to the Hospital Wing. "Class, dismissed." He yelled from up front. "You're gonna regret this! You and your bloody chicken!!" I heard Dray yell. God, he was such tosser!

(A/N) I am so sorry I haven't been posting. I lost motivation for a while so I decided, today, today will be the day I post a chapter, and will not stop until I finish it. ;)

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