Chapter 19 - Finally Home

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Draco's POV

I don't quite remember everything that happened on the train, but I do know, Lucy had fallen asleep, Blaise and I talked about quidditch, school, and other randomness. We also bought a few sweets off the trolly when it came by.

About 30 minutes later, Lucy had woken up. I looked around as she rubbed her eyes. The windows had fogged up due to the cold outside. The snow began to fall quite heavily. I heard Lucy shiver, I turned towards her to see her arms wrapped around her body to warm it up. I hesitantly took off my jacket and tossed it to the empty bench seat beside her. She glared at it for a few seconds then resentfully placed it over her shoulders.


By the time we reached the station, the sun was beginning to set. The train had pulled in at about half-past five, we all took our bags and owls down from the compartment and left the cabin.

Our mother stood on the platform waiting for us. As soon as I made eye contact with her she waved, not in a friendly manner, more like a hurry up way. Mother had always displayed a proud woman, much like my father, she did display the same attitude towards muggles, mudbloods, and blood-traitors, however she was much softer to me and Lucy.

We'd walked over to her and she looked around at the muggles scattered across the platform waving to their witch/wizard children getting off the train. Honestly, it was disgusting, I don't know how they even allow people like that here. Father says that this will be the reason for the exposure of our world. In my opinion, people such as Granger should not be allowed anywhere near The wizarding world.

"How was the train ride, Draco?" Mother asked in the posh voice she'd always spoken in.

"Fine." I stated, bluntly and eyed Lucy, her eyes met mine, but she immediately shifted her gaze elsewhere.

Without another word we ran through the faux column to the muggle world. Mother walked with a tenseness to it, yet still holding her usual 'I'm better than you' strut. She'd held Lucy's hand in a way that showed her distrust towards the muggles. Needless to say, Blaise and I felt the same way, Lucy however, smiled and looked around at the city of London in wonder. Merline, it wasn't that cool. It's a bloody city, filled to the brim with filthy muggles. I rolled my eyes.

Mother opened the door of our stretch limo and Blaise and I got in, followed by Lucy and Mother. She knocked on the window to the front of the car, signalling the driver to start.

"You guys are a quiet bunch." she said, not long after the car had started. She turned to Lucy who still had my jacket on and was moving her finger along the pages of a book. "Lucia! Can you pull your nose from a book for one second?"

"Mother, I told you not to call me that... and no, no I cannot."

"Right, sorry. Draco, tailors are already at the house to make your party clothes." I could see Lucy roll her eyes out the corner of mine at the mention of the party. "Blaise, dear, I asked the tailors to make you some clothes as well."

"Oh. Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy."

"And Lucy, sweetheart." she began, placing a hand on Lucy's shoulder, "Your father wants you to speak with him in his study when we get home."

"What? Why?" she asked, confused. Mother looked at her with a 'I'm pretty sure you know what' look. Seeing this I smirked, unfortunately, she noticed almost immediately. "Draco, what did you do? What did you say?"

"Only what needed to be said!" I shot back.

"You idiot can't you mind your own business?"

"At least I'm not a mudblood lover!"

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