Chapter 15 - Truth of the Prisoner

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Harry's POV

The snow stuck to 'Mione's wavy hair and I could see it melting as it touched my glasses, creating water droplets. I wiped my glaces and we came to a quaint shop that seemed very cabin-like and very fitting for a place like Hogsmeade. A small sign hung above the door reading The Three Broomsticks. We entered the door and took a seat at an empty table. The place was crowded, noisy, warm, and smoky. A curvy sort of woman with a pretty face was serving a bunch of rowdy warlocks at the bar.

"That's Madam Rosmerta..." said Ron. "I'll get the drinks, shall I?" he added, going slightly red.

Ron left, leaving Hermione, who sat across from me. "Harry... we need to talk about what happened back there, at Cecil's. Malfoy's words don't normally affect you that much.

"Oh... I guess I just miss being able to hang out with her," I hesitated. "alot. She means the world to me, I don't care about her surname." I looked up seeing "Mione nod agreeingly. "She was so easy to talk to, she lit up the room wherever she went and you couldn't stay mad at her, no matter how hard you tried."

"Harry, we just need to be patient, Lucy is a smart kid. Look, I know you don't agree with me now, but this is for the best." She leaned back in the seat. "Malfoy's an arse, it's no surprise he wants you to be miserable. But... but he is still her brother, and like I've said a million times Harry, like us, Draco just wants what's best for his sister."

I nodded and A few minutes later, Ron came back holding three hot foaming tankards of butterbeer.

A sudden short breeze ruffled my hair. The door of the Three Broomsticks had been opened again. I looked over the rim of my tankard and nearly choked.

Professors McGonagall and Flitick had just entered the pub with a flurry of snowflakes, Shortly followed by Hagrid who seemed to be in deep conversation with a portly man in a lime-green bowler hat and pinstripe cloak - Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic.

Before I could process the situation, Ron had placed his hands on my shoulder and was violently forcing me under the table. I watched the professors along with Fudge's feet move to the bar, pause, then turn and walk right towards me. I looked at Ron who had quickly moved back to his place and shoved the butterbeer under the table as well, probably to avoid suspicion.

"Mobiliarbus!" I heard Hermione whisper-shouted. A brown stump, which I could only assume was a christmas tree. I quietly peered around the tree to see the group. They sat down at a table across from our table. "Rosmerta, my dear!" I heard the man, who I could only assume was Fudge, greet. All I could see were the women's turquoise high heels, however, just by her stance I could tell she was not pleased with Fudge's presence.

"You know the dementors have searched the whole village?" The Minister began his argument but was interrupted by Rosmerta, "TWICE!? Scared all my customers away... very, very bad for business, Fudge."

"I don't like them any more than you do, Rosmerta." He seemed slightly uncomfortable. "With Black on the loose it's a necessary precaution."

"And why, of all places, would Black come here!?" exclaimed Rosmerta. The Minister whispered something, I couldn't quite make out. "HARRY POTTER!?" she shouted. I drew my attention to the conversation and only that. Everyone shushed Rosmerta.

"You remember," started McGonagall, "Black got close to the Potters. Very close family friend. Even helped them hide from You-Know-Who."

"The blitherin' idiot told He-Who-Shant-Beh-Named where they was hidin'! And af'er he killed Peter Pettigrew, too. Another friend of the Potters." My heart dropped. A shiver ran through my spine.

"Oh, Hagrid." began Fudge. "He didn't kill Pettigrew... He destroyed him! A finger that's all that was left!"

"Yet still to this day.." said McGonogall ominously. "Sirius was and still is... Harry Potter's godfather."

Hey, guys! Sorry this was a short chapter. I'm suffering from writer's block. Tell me if you have any ideas <333


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