Chapter 18 - The Train Home

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Draco's POV

I didn't like angering my sister. I always felt it was my job as an older brother to look after her, keep her happy, and to help her have it easy. But it wasn't just my job to be a good son it was my duty, as a Malfoy I must uphold the family name, do what I am told to by my superiors, and never under any circumstances, allow the public to see our bad side. Mother and Father called Lucy and I's relationship 'brotherly love' . I guess they're right. I only want what's best for Lucy, and keeping her away from stupid Potter is what's best. Especially that Weasle, what if she becomes a blood traitor like them. For Merlin's sake, what if she marries a muggle! I immediately calmed myself down and disposed of my intrusive thoughts, I got way too carried away.

Father told me, a few weeks before school started to try and keep Lucy out of the spotlight as much as I could as if she didn't get enough attention from the media already.

I rolled my eyes at my thoughts. God, I hated this. Why did I care? Father always told me to never let my emotions get the best of me if I ever wanted to step into his shoes with his confidential job. See I'd known about my Mother and Father being Death Eaters for a few months now. I'd only had my suspicions in first year when we had heard about it at school, but everything was confirmed this summer. I'd been doing summer reading for Defence Against the Dark Arts when I had connected the dots. I first ran to my mother who had sent me to Father. I told him how he'd always acted weird around some of his friends, more secretive. How he'd send me and Lucy to our room when certain people came over. A few hours earlier I had seen the mask in a cupboard of his study but thought nothing of it. That's when he and Mother had sat me down and told me everything, I'd be able to join them when I was 16 and proven my loyalty. I didn't quite understand what this entailed, I just knew they were watching me like a hawk.

Snapping back to reality, I sat up and turned on my lamp, illuminating the room with a dim green light. Sleeping Slytherin boys snored quietly around the room. I ran a hand through my hair, swung my feet over the side of the bed and stood up. I rubbed my eyes, fixing my sight on the trunk that stood in front of me. The tiredness hit me like a train, I groaned falling back onto the bed.

"Draco?" came a voice, I turned to meet the eyes of Blaise, "You alright?"

"Yes, Blaise." I sneered, exasperatedly. "Go back to sleep." He, too, was packed up. His family was going on a vacation and was staying at the Manor with us until the party, then he'd return home with his parents for the rest of the break.

"Draco... Draco... Drayyyyyy, Malfoy, Drakey... Drayhoe!"

"Merlin's beard! Zabini, if you don't quiet yourself, I will march over there myself and do it for you!"

"Sorry, Malfoy, your face was ridiculous, though." He chuckled

"I'm pretty sure you mean, Rrridikulus." I rolled my r's to sound like Professor Lupin. We both had to stifle our laughter, as to not wake anyone up.

I sighed, looking up at the stone ceiling. 'You know, Dray," said Blaise. "It's not your fault what happened with Lucy, she made a dumb a decision, you're just trying to protect her."

"Yeah, I guess."

"I must say, though. Your sister looked hella fine today."

My eyes widened in anger, however I kept my composure. "Zabini, I think I just threw up in my mouth. You have no chance with her so back off. Don't even try." I thought for a moment. "Oh, and you're not going anywhere near her at the house."

"Damn, I was hoping to get into her room at two in the morning."

"For your sake that better have been sarcasm."

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