Chapter 29 - Aftermath

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Lucy's POV:

This wasn't good... I tried to think of lies to get myself out of this but none came to mind. My father knew all about the trio and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I had been best friends with not just my brother's school rival but my father -not to mention everything he stands for- and mother's enemy as well.

I'm positive my mother wouldn't be as mad, she'd be much sweeter about it. Merlin, I wish it was her and not my dad.

"Inside. I will be seeing you in my room in five minutes." Father said, his jaw set and posture straight, the cane in his hand did nothing but be intimidating. I was angry. I wanted grab his cane, hit him and run. But where would I run? Hogwarts? That's laughable considering I'd have to go to the strain station where muggles inhabited the place like the rat infestation in Hogwarts' dungeons.



I obeyed and made my way upstairs. The pit in my stomach was growing larger. As if I had a rock sinking slowly down my throat and pressing down on my stomach.

All I thought about was my mother's disappointed look when she found out. I want to cry, or scream, or both.

I wasn't going back to Hogwarts. That's set in stone. I was already on thin ice with my father.

I need to set my thoughts straight. I made a mental list; these I know for sure

1. I'm not going to Hogwarts not for a few years, of course.
2. I need to message Harry.
3. Whatever was about to happen, it's going to hurt. I'm not a kid anymore, I've seen how Aunt Bella acts when we get out of line. My father is mad enough to beat me to a pulp... the muggle way. When Draco when I were little we'd receive small spells, now that I'm older and know better... who knows what awaits me..

I stood before my father, after receiving a very stern talking to about him homeschooling me for a few years.. still. The worst was yet to come...

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