welcome to republic city part one

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I watch intently as Korra kicked two fire blasts toward her trainer sending him flying and crashing to the ground. As she lands, two others simultaneously shoot fire streams at her. The flames engulf her but she dissipates them by moving her hands in a circular motion. I can't help but smile proudly at the move since Korra and I had been practising that technique for a while. As the avatar takes on a fighting stance again, one of the men comes charging at her with fire blasts but Korra was already anticipating it and dodged the first, dissipated the second and with a grunt dodged the last one. She rushes forward throwing him off balance and tumbling onto the ground. Korra, now in between the two, catches the fire blast from the man in front of her while kicking a flame to stall the man charging behind her. She then retaliates against the attacker in front of her and manages to knock him down. Quickly turning back and defending herself from the man behind, she powers up firing at him and sending him flying to the roof of the training grounds building right above me and the other masters.

"She's strong," Katara remarks, clearly impressed by the show displayed.

But a white lotus leader was hesitant to agree, "She lacks restraint."

By now Korra had finished off the rest of her opponents and raised her hands in triumph, "Woohoo!" she celebrated running towards us. "Hey, why all the doom and gloom, people? We should be celebrating! Three elements down, one to go!"

"You're getting ahead of yourself, as usual, Korra. We haven't decided if you passed your firebending test yet." I reply in a serious tone.

"Ever since you were a little girl, you've always excelled at the physical side of bending," a white lotus leader chipped in, "but completely ignored the spiritual side. The Avatar must master both."

Korra bowed her head, "I haven't ignored it, it just doesn't come as easy to me. But that's why I should start training with Tenzin immediately." - she stretched her arms for emphasis - "He's Mister spiritual."

A lotus member moved forward to address Katara, "Do you believe she's ready, Master Katara?"

"Yes. If anyone can teach her what she needs to learn, it's Tenzin." Katara smiled.

The lotus member then turned to me, "And what about you, Princess Honora?"

I inspected Korra who was doing her best to put on a sensible face, "Yeah, I've taught her all I know. She's ready to tackle airbending."

"Very well, Korra. It's time for you to begin your airbending training."

Korra's straight face breaks into a series of grins as she jumps up and down in excitement. "Yes! Finally!" But after realizing that she was being watched she changed her expression to a serious one. "I mean," she cleared her throat, clasping her hands together and bowing to all the masters and elders, "thank you all for believing in me."

Smiling innocently, she slowly started walking away still eying us. That was until her excitement took over and she broke into a run leaving the training grounds. No doubt going to Naga to share the exciting news.

"Uh, I better go after her and make sure she doesn't get herself into trouble," I tell the elders, bowing to them in respect before walking off to follow Korra.

I found the avatar just where I suspected, in the stables cuddling a delighted polar bear dog.

I leaned against the doorframe crossing her arms, "Well, you did pretty alright there avatar. I mean there were a few errors here and there but you seemed to overcome them easily."

Korra pulled me into a tight embrace lifting me off the ground. "Okay," I wheezed patting the avatar on the back as I was placed back onto the floor.

"Thank you so much, Nora." Korra praised. "You seriously saved my life."

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