The Revelation Part 1

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Honora continued to focus on her breathing, feeling the tension slowly release from her body with each exhale. She let go of the distractions of the world around her and allowed herself to be fully present in the moment. The sound of sparrowkeets chirping in the distance and the rustling of leaves in the wind became her soundtrack as she delved deeper into her meditation. She visualised herself surrounded by a bubble of tranquillity, protected from the chaos of everyday life. Honora's mind became clear and she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

She felt connected to the earth beneath her, the sky above her, the blood throughout her and the burning within her. The worries and stresses of the upcoming day melted away as she focused on the present moment, grounding herself in the here and now.

It wasn't long before she felt a presence behind her and opened her eyes to see Tenzin take a seat beside her.

"If only I could get Korra to do this," the older man sighed.

Honora chuckled at that, "Ha, good luck with that. For all the years I've known her, she still can't sit still for long."

They laughed collectively. "But she does have her strengths," She added before looking out into the horizon where the sun was slowly resurfacing.

"Is she still sleeping?"

"Nope," the p sound popping from my lips. "She has training at the arena."

'And you didn't want to tag along?'

I scrunch my face, "Agni, no. As much as I love Korra, it's not enough to endure one of her teammate's company."

"Which one?"

"The firebender."

Tenzin smiled softly, "That doesn't surprise me in the least, does he have as much of a fiery personality as yourself?"

"Oh, how clever," I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "But honestly, he's just another fire tosser, like so many others in this city. It's like they've lost sight of the true artistry of bending. It's not just about power and destruction, it's about beauty and grace. These pro benders are so focused on showing off their abilities that they forget the true essence of bending. No wonder there are anti-benders out there."

"Nora, I couldn't agree with you more. I used to think change was a bad thing, but I've come to realise that it can actually be for the better. Yes, we should still respect tradition, but we need to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things. Look at Korra - She has improved so much since joining pro bending."

"You're right. I think I've just been feeling a bit lost lately," I admitted with a sigh, "I feel like I'm not living up to my full potential."

Tenzin smiled sympathetically, "I understand where you're coming from. It's tough to live up to the expectations of others, especially when they come from your family. But it's important to remember that you're not alone in feeling this way. Everyone struggles with self-doubt at some point."

"I just feel like I need to be perfect all the time," I confessed. "I train constantly and push myself to be the best, but it still never feels like enough."

Tenzin nodded. "It's good to strive for greatness, but it's also important to recognise your own strengths and weaknesses. Just like Korra excels in physical bending but struggles with the spiritual aspect of it. You excel in combat both bending and non-bending but may need to work on being more open to change."

I bit my lip. "It's hard not to compare myself to others and feel like I'm falling short."

Tenzin reached out a hand and placed it on my shoulder. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Honora. You have so much potential and talent, and there are people who believe in you - myself included."

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