For Years and Years <3

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The trip to Kakariko was short. Shorter than I wanted it to be anyway. I was shaking as I walked into the familiar town. I pulled Link's cloak to cover my face as I walked. I hoped no one would recognize me as I marched to Impa's home. The guards outside allowed me to pass, Paya was surprised to see me. I pushed open the door and glared at my old friend. I flinched seeing how she had aged while I was away. Her white hair had remained, but she had cut it in her age. It sat atop her head under her head. Her eyes slowly opened and met my own. "Ah, (Y/n). Still as youthful as ever I see." I said nothing and walked forward. "Why did towers rise from the ground?" I asked quietly. "Why did ancient shrines begin to glow around Hyrule?" Impa met my gaze calmly. "Whatever do you mean?"

I tried my best to stay calm, cool and collected. "I was almost ready to go back into Hateno, then suddenly a giant tower rose from the ground. Everywhere shook. The ancient building that sits atop your city is glowing orange. You know what's happening, and you won't tell me." Impa closed her eyes and we sat in silence. "It's happened all over. Other travelers I ran into reported feeling tremors from east, south, west, north! You name it, there were tremors. The end days already happened, what next?" I snapped at Impa. "(Y/n), you mustn't get ahead of yourself. Stress will age you." I opened my mouth to start screaming obscenities when Paya squealed first. I turned to the door in surprise. The door swung open and I felt my knees buckle.

He strode in wearing tattered clothes, ripping at the seams. He looked beat up, tired and confused. I stepped to the side as best as I could as he scanned between the two of us. I couldn't believe it. I was dreaming, I should've been. Close enough for me to touch was my fiancé. My dead fiancé. Paya peeked in behind, blushing and watching him. I wanted to lash out, I wanted to fight Impa, most importantly I wanted to fling myself at my fiancé. I wanted his embrace again, I'd waited a hundred years. "So, you're finally awake. It has been quite a long time Link. I am much older now, but you remember me. Don't you?" Impa spoke before I could do or say anything first.

Link simply looked between the two of us. His eyes searched my face for a moment longer than Impa's "What is the matter? You are looking at me as though I am a stranger to you. Those eyes... they lack the light of familiarity. It is I, courageous one Impa. Surely you must at least remember the name Impa?"

"I'm sorry. I woke up yesterday, I have no idea who anyone is." He said quietly, his voice was low and scratchy. Like he had woken up from sleep. My heart sank. I tried my best to keep my composure, I didn't want to scare him. I looked down and pulled his cloak further over my face. I wanted to disappear. I hoped the ground would open and finally swallow me whole. "I see... so you have lost your memory." Impa said slowly, she looked at me for a moment before returning. "Well it matters not. In fact, that may actually be a blessing in disguise for the time being. Dearest Link, please come a bit closer." I wanted to scream again. It may be a blessing in disguise for her, but how do you make up years of a relationship again?

Link stepped forward, I could tell he was still unsure on his feet. There were scars peeking out from underneath the tattered shirt he wore. "A hundred years ago... yes. A hundred years ago, the kingdom of Hyrule was destroyed. After you fell, Princess Zelda's final wish was to place you in a sacred slumber. And then... all alone... alone she went to face Ganon. Before princess Zelda went to nobly meet her fate, she entrusted me with some words she wished to say to you. I have been waiting 100 years to deliver the princess's message." I started getting angry once again. She knew he was coming back. She knew he was alive all this time. Who cares about the princess and her stupid message? What about his fiancé? The woman he was supposed to start a family with.

"However, these words which the princess risked her life to leave you... well, if you are to hear them... you must be prepared to risk your life as well. But I am afraid that burden may be too much to bear while you are still without your memories. I leave the choice to you. When you feel you are ready to receive the princess's message, return to me." Impa said. Link took a step back and nodded. "Yes, I am ready to risk my life." He murmured. Impa gave a wide smile. "Ha! Not a memory to your name, yet you are as intent as ever to charge forward with only courage and justice at your side. You have not changed one bit. Once a hero, always a hero. Very well. Since you have lost your memory, I will recount for you all that has happened."

"The history of the royal family of Hyrule is also the history of calamity Gannon. So listen closely as I tell you this legend that occurred 10,000 years ago. Hyrule was blossoming as a highly advanced civilization. Even the most powerful of monster would pose little threat to the denizens of Hyrule." Ah yes, a legend I had heard thousands of times over. As a child it was always comforting to listen to mother tell the history of Hyrule. "The people thought it was wise to utilize their technological advances to ensure the safety of the land, should calamity Gannon ever return. The construction for mechanical wonders that came to be known as the Divine Beast began. They also built a legion of autonomous weapons called Guardians. The divine beasts were piloted by four individuals of exceptional skill from across the land. And thus plan to neutralize Ganon was forged. Upon Gannon's inevitable return to Hyrule the princess and the hero would fight alongside these four champions."

I remember the champions. They were all so kind and so fun to be around. Revali was a special type of nice, however. It took a bit for him to warm up to you. "The guardians were tasked with protecting the hero as the divine beast unleashed a furious attack upon their terrible foe. And when the hero wielding the sword that seals the darkness delivered his final blow the princess used her sacred power to seal away calamity Gannon. 100 years ago, in preparation for the foretold revival of Ganon we strove to follow the lead of our ancestors of 10,000 years prior. But in the end, despite our best efforts and careful planning we underestimated his power. In order to avoid ever making that great mistake again the princess left you these words, free the four Divine Beasts. That's what she said." The blood running through me ran cold. Free them? What would that take? Link couldn't remember a thing, much less how to safely get anywhere. He barely had clothes on his back!

"The four divine beasts are the ancient Sheikah weapons wield by the four champions. They were, the Divine Beast Va Rudania controlled by the Daruk of the Gorons. The Divine Beast Vah Medoh piloted by Revali of the Rito. Divine Beast Vah Rita controlled by Mipha of the Zora. Divine Beast Vah Naboris piloted by Urbosa of the Gerudo. It would be extremely ill advised to face Gannon without the power of the divine beast to help you. You must infiltrate the Divine Beasts that were stolen away 100 years ago and bring them back to our side. More information about these Divine Beasts can be found by locating the four races scattered across Hyrule. The Sheikah slate will show you on your map. You must meet with each of the leader there, they will know what to do." Link gave Impa a firm nod. "Thank you so much ma'am, I must be off on my quest."

"One more thing," Impa said. "The device princess Zelda gave to you is your guide and also your memory. Now let's see.. someone at the research lab in Hateno village might be able to help you. It is a small village one of the very few places that avoided suffering significant damage during the great calamity. You are princess Zelda's only hope and Hyrule's as well. You cannot turn back. Now follow your heart and seize your destiny." Link turned to walk out of the door.

"Wait," I jumped up. "Please wait for me outside. I have to talk to you." I said to Link. He looked confused, but stepped outside. I watched him walk away and turned around to Impa. "Why the fuck was I never told he was alive?" Impa grew sheepish. "I thought... you would've died. I didn't want to give you false hope over the years." I wanted to scream at her. I wanted to unleash one hundred years of anger and sadness, but I couldn't allow my emotions to control me any more than they were.

Link opened the door again to peek in. "I'm sorry, you were taking a bit of time and I'm cold." He said looking me over. "Don't worry, I'm coming." I said with a sweet smile. I turned back to Impa. "We will continue this conversation when I'm ready."

"Don't do anything foolish to confuse him (Y/n)."

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