I Tell Him That <3

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We jogged down the stairs, Link running faster than I. In front of Mipha's statue were Muzu and Sidon talking with one another. As we approached I heard what Sidon was saying. "Muzu, please listen." Sidon pleaded. "I don't care what you have to say." He spat. Link approached and gingerly waved. Muzu scoffed and turned away from him. "You came all the way here, but it was in vain. I have no desire to speak with you."

Sidon gave a snarl. He was obviously fed up and repulsed by Muzu's treatment of Link. "Listen well, Muzu. There is some thing you need to know. He who stands here, the man called Link, is the one who my sister Mipha had feelings for. I was only a child then, so I did not know it myself at the time, but it is so. I grew up hearing my father tell stories, some of which, were about my sisters undying love for a Hylian named Link." I felt my blood run cold. My stomach dropped to my feet. I wanted to get angry, but I couldn't. There was nothing to justify my anger. I wanted to turn and ask Link if he knew, but I couldn't.

Mipha wouldn't have ever crossed that line, and I knew that. She respected our relationship. In a sick way... I felt sorry that I took him first. I wanted to apologize to Link. Hearing such a shocking thing

"What? No! You cannot fool me with such a fanciful lie! Not this Zora! How could Lady Mipha possibly have feelings for a Hylian like him? The facts are clear. He remembers nothing. Even when he looks upon princess Mipha's statue." Muzu protested. I wanted to protest too, but you can't change someone's feelings. I was thankful Mipha respected us.

"It is the truth Muzu, though you never knew what he was ever in Mipha's heart." Sidon whispered, he caught my eye. Suddenly, I knew why we didn't talk to one another. It was all so clear. He wasn't jealous that I was the one Link loved over his sister, he was upset she never had that love reciprocated. I mean, sure Link loved Mipha but not the way he loved me.

I turned to examine Link and found him staring hard at Mipha's statue. His eyes widened and recognition crossed his face. He closed his eyes and drew in a slow breath, like he was taking the first breath after diving. Breaching the water and clearing your lungs. His eyes snapped open after a moment and Link doubled over. I reached out to help but Sidon opened his mouth first. "What's the matter Link? Are you unwell?" Link stands back up, looking at himself. He's shaking and excitement is etched over his face, then sadness. Deep sadness. "You're shaking like a hatchling, what's the matter?" Muzu asks, his voice softening.

Link's eyes fall upon Muzu and a breathy whisper leaves his mouth. "Mipha, I remember." He utters. I slowly reached my hand up to cover my mouth. Hope fills me. He remembers. He remembers something. My belief in the goddess is beginning to be restored. "WHAT?!" Muzu screams, jarring me from my moment. "Do not mistake me for a fool Hylian! There is no way you remembered her just now, when it is most convenient. In any case, without solid proof, I cannot possibly take you at your word. If you have any such proof, now is the time to show it. Do so, and I shall tell you how to get those shock arrows! Yes, as well as anything else you wish to know."

The gears in Link's head turns. He pulls the Zora armor from his bag and puts it on. It fit him perfectly. It was even a bit tight, showing off his muscle definition perfectly. Sidon steps forward. "Muzu, look closely at the clothes Link is wearing." The old Zora rolls his eyes, casually looking Link over. "Hm? You really think changing your clothes is going to make me..." Muzu stops, slowly putting the pieces together. "Eh?! What in the... that is the Zora armor from before! Lady Mipha made that by hand, and yet it fits perfectly. What is the meaning of this?" He snarles at Sidon.

"Now you understand, do you not? Now you know who her heart belonged to, and who she made his special armor for. The fact that this armor fits Link perfectly should be proof enough that Mipha made it for him and him alone!" Sidon shouts. I feel the tears beginning to form. Hot and angry again. Link looks touched over how well this armor fits him. Why does he remember her? I need to leave, I'm putting myself in a position to hurt Link. "Food. I need, I'm hungry." Is all I was able to sputter out before wandering to the fire.

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