I Blinked <3

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Link's hands wrapped around the hilt of the blade once again. I listened to his breathing suddenly stop. He slowly collapsed onto his knees, holding onto the blade for dear life. I listened to him grunt and whimper, shaking in pain. I wanted to reach forward and pull him away, but I knew better. With baited breath I watched as he stilled. Link stood and pulled the blade out of the ground, holding it up to the sky. He slowly pulled it back and rested his head against the blade. I walked over to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He opened his eyes and turned to me, a tired look etched across his face. "I want to see her smile." He said.

"Who's smile?" I asked. "Zelda's." Link murmured. "She has a smile like the sun, it would do me well to see the warmth again." The tree suddenly interjected. I jumped, looking up at the large thing. "Save our kingdom." It said. I looked to Link, who seemed to remember a bit more. "I will." He said softly. "He's right. I can remember her smile." I wanted to feel jealous. I didn't though, because that was our princess. Our light in this hopeless fight, and I wanted to see that too. Remembering her smile... made me smile as well. "I would love to see it." I said, pulling Link in for a hug. I slowly leaned in for a gentle kiss. He relaxed into me. The kiss was slow and soft. Link pulled away and sighed, resting his forehead against mine. "We need to start looking for where my memories are." He said.

I nodded as he pulled out his Sheikah Slate. He pointed to the picture and I pulled out my own map. After staring for long enough I nodded. "Alright, let's go."

"Who is Impa to you?" My head snapped up at his question. I turned to Link on his horse's back, he sidled up next to Sky and I. "Impa..." I muttered, realizing I had to be quick. "She was my mothers friend. So, she and I became close." Stupid. Stupid lies. Link nodded and seemed to ponder the answer.

I was worried that maybe he caught onto something, but then I remembered... Impa and I talked. Often. I talked about her and knew her, and we knew one another. I've sat and talked alone with her. Link has witnessed our discussions. Maybe he's just curious and truly does want to start digging deeper. Chipping away at the surface. "She often seems to think she is my mother. It's annoying." I muttered. "I bet it would be." He replied. I looked at him for a moment. "You don't trust me." I said softly. Link's face changed from thoughtful to concerned.

"What?" He asked. "Why don't you trust me?" I asked, my voice wavering. Anxiety flooded through my veins. He needs to trust me. I can't disappoint Impa. "(Y/n), you came out of her house crying last time. The first time I met you, you were around her. What am I not trusting you with?" I realized my mistake and sighed, shaking my head. "I'm sorry, Link. I'm just... stressed. I shouldn't have taken it out on you." Link cast a worried glance at me. "If there's anything I can do to help with the stress, let me know." He said. I nodded, my mind floating with the clouds.

I was worried he was trying to catch on to my lies. Or maybe he was trying to get me to slip and reveal my secret. On the other hand, I haven't told him much about me. Sure, tidbits here and there but not anything big. Not names, not relationships. I haven't truly done anything in the past 100 years that wasn't for him. Besides, I can't mention in passing the places I stayed at for long durations of time. No one remembers me. Not really. I was scared of his reaction of finding out who I was. Would he still love me? Even after realizing how much I've changed? I understand we're... "dating" now, but still.

If only I had my journal. Sometimes I miss it. Being able to write away your feelings was nice. I was able to whip it out at anytime, jot down feelings and go back to life. That journal. It contained so much of how I survived the first few years without Link. I'm surprised I did.

Dear Journal,

The Yiga clan tried to attack me today. Instead I beat the fuck out of those sorry son of a bitches, and kept swinging. It was cathartic taking my anger out on them. I didn't kill anyone, I let them go. I hope they stop trying to attack. I'm so tired of them. They keep accusing me of carrying his child. Hiding Link's child. Hiding the reincarnation of him. Even if I carried Link's child, that would've been too long ago. They would be standing beside me today. I'm just his widow at this point. If that. We weren't ever married. I need to leave soon, I feel like I've overstayed my welcome here. The Gerudo are still kind and nice, but there's an underlying... irritation within them. Maybe I'll take the long road back to Kakariko. Or avoid Kakariko.

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