Can I Say That? <3

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We strolled through the Southern Mines on our way. There a Hylian told us a tale of woe, his trip here turned sour after he realized he didn't collect any rare lizards. He promised Link and I some fireproof armor if we were to get him some of the lizards. My eyes widened and I immediately dug in my bag and found a few, I asked Link to gather the rest. Link laid the lizards in the man's hands and he gladly gave us the amor. I helped Link put it on. Immediately he looked more relieved.

"Why were you so excited about just a bit of armor?" Link asked as we walked the last stretch. "Well, when you get to the shop to buy it you can see for yourself." I said. Then, we heard it. The bone chilling roar of Vah Rudania. The ground below us began to shake and a cluster of magma rocks began to fall from the volcano. We ducked underneath a mountain, shielding ourselves from them. Vah Rudania howled again, crying into the sky. The roar got louder and we could see it crawling around the top of Death Mountain. I shuddered and rushed to the entrance of Goron City, finding comfort in the town.

Link wandered to the armor shop and proceeded to purchase the trousers that matched his top. I watched as his face whitened and he sold a few gems in order to afford the pants. I giggled and noticed someone was outside, cussing up a storm. A Goron elder stood outside of his home cussing up at Death Mountain. As Link walked out I pointed towards the Goron, nudging him to go. Link took the hint and wandered over to the agitated elder. "Drat! That blasted Rudania!"

"What's wrong?" Link asked, walking up behind him. The Goron elder turned to look at Link and I. He shook his head and began to speak. "With Rudania, running wild recently, Death Mountains, eruptions have gotten real bad. Do you see Rudania stomping around up there on the mountain?" Link and I turned our heads to find the beast, it was idly on the mountainside. "They say that 100 years ago it actually used to protect our people from harm. But that was then, this is now! Now all it does is mess up our mining operations! We are all suffering because it's stopping us from doing business. I can't tell you how many times we've use the cannon chase off that fiend, but it always comes back!"

As he began to get heated, a few snaps and pops were heard. The elder cried out in pain. "You okay?" I asked, reaching out a hand to help. "It's just some back pain. Wait who are you?" The Goron elder grunted, looking over Link and I. His eyes lingered over both of us, but me a bit longer. The armor I wore was old, ancient almost. Yet it held up against the test of time. "We're travelers." Link responded simply. The Goron snorted. "I see so then you came all this way to pay your respects to me,? I like you already, brother!" A giant smile crossed his face. "Well, my name is Bluto! I'm the great Goron boss, who is fearsome enough to silence a crying child! Or to make a silenced child cry... either way. Yes, it is none other than and I, Bluto. I was planning to drive off Rudania like I always do, but then this blasted pain in my back flared up out of nowhere. That blasted Yunobo when will he return.."

"Who is Yunobo?" Link asked. "Yunobo is a young Goron who helps me drive off Rudania. He went to grab some painkillers for my back from the Abandoned North mines but he hasn't come back yet. Slacker. I bet he's off somewhere wasting time. Hey, if you happen to see Yunobo, will you let him know I'm looking for him?" Bluto moves to point us in a direction, but instead his back cracked once again. He cried out in pain and left us to our devices.

"Well, I say we head to the abandoned mine then." Link said and pulled out his tablet. After looking he led me up a trail. I wandered behind him, looking around and hoping to see any familiar faces. I didn't. We happened upon another ancient shrine. Link walked up to it and used his tablet over the rock beside it. A small sound was heard before the shrine turned blue. I breathed out in awe and Link smiled at me. "That's not all it can do." He said and walked past me. I continued to stare at the shrine before rushing to follow Link.

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