And Suddenly <3

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Wow! I forgot to tell y'all earlier. Prepare for intense heart break. I would NOT read this in public if you're an easy crier.

I waited for Link outside of the castle. I stayed hidden away from the guardians. Not long, I repeated to myself. Not long and he'll be here. He'll find me and we can leave this cursed place. I hated that I couldn't see him, sense him or hear him near me. I needed him near me at all times. To know he was safe and sound.

I needed a distraction.

I pulled out my ring and slowly slid the necklace off of my neck. I stared into the diamonds and sapphires. I took it and rubbed it in between my clothes, pulling it back to watch it shine. I could almost see him in the reflection, holding it out to me all those years ago. We were so happy, and so hopeful for the future. I can still see that light in him, I can't find it in myself anymore. Every waking moment I'm riddled with anxiety about what'll happen, when it'll happen and everything else.

I heard footsteps approaching and quickly tucked the ring back, clipping the necklace back on. I stood and was face to face with Link. "Hey," I said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Hello there." He replied, his eyes traveling down for a moment. I reached my hand up and felt my necklace. I pushed it underneath my layers of clothes and watched as Link's eyes followed my movements. "I never knew you had a necklace on." He said quietly. "It's made for protection from the guardians and cold. It was expensive, so I kept it safe." I shrugged it off. "Can't be too careful with nice things around here." Link trailed behind me.

We used the Sheikah Slate to travel back to safety and once again made our way finding the rest of his memories. Standing in Hyrule field again with Link I felt a wave of nostalgia. I stared at the castle as he walked into the certain spot by the horse fountain. He pulled out his Sheikah Slate and stared hard at the picture. His eyes closed and he stilled, the memory filling his mind. I turned away, walking over to Sky and gently stroking her mane. I hoped each time he would remember me, but as each memory was found it seemed like it would never happen.

I wanted to go home. My home. Link... Link was home to me. I didn't know how to comfort him with the looming threat of the battle. It was inevitable. It was his destiny. My destiny? What was it? Why was I still alive? There were no failed experiments on me to continue to be this young. I never asked for this. I figured I'd ask Zelda. She was Hylia's blood, after all. Maybe she'd have the answers for me. That was... after the big battle.

"Talk to me." Link said, making me jump. "Huh?" I I asked, registering what he said. "Oh. Uh... I've noticed you've been a lot quieter." I mumbled. "I don't know what to do with the battle against Ganon coming up so fast. You've worked so hard for this. Over a hundred years. I feel... helpless I guess. I'm nervous about after the fact as well." Link made a confused face. "Why are you nervous?" I sighed and looked at the castle once again. "I'm worried that once you defeat Ganon, everything will change."

"What do you think is going to change, (Y/n)?" Link asked. "What are your thoughts on the battle?" I asked Link. "We keep talking about how I feel, what about you?" He seemed surprised at the sudden questions. "Me? I'm nervous. I'm scared." He answered honestly. "I have all of the divine beasts ready to attack, I have the sword that seals the darkness. What then? When this is over... I don't have much left. I have you and the princess. I have very little of my memories. They're slowly coming back, but everyone I trained with and loved is dead. I'm feeling incredibly isolated."

Link took a deep breath, trying to relax himself. "I feel like I'll lose purpose." He said honestly. "I don't know what to look forward to other than life with you." I took his hand and smiled. "Let's buy a farm together, and live out the rest of our days taking care of animals together." Link squeezed my hand, closing his eyes and smiling at the thought. "Farmers? Cuckoos? Cows? Goats? Horses?"
"Everything." I whispered. "Anything you want." Link used his other hand to cup my cheek. His eyes searched mine, and I could see him relaxing. "As a couple? Together?"
"Together." I promised. It seemed to calm his mind.

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