And Damn It <3

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A lady stood fearfully in the grass. I, once again, urged Link to move past her. He, again, didn't and another Yiga member attacked us. This time Link fought back. He used whatever he had found whilst coming to Kakariko, hitting the person with a skeleton arm. I was amazed, and slightly amused by how the fingers still moved. Dark magic is such an interesting thing.

Together Link and I walked through Fort Hateno. Dozens upon dozens of guardians lay dead in the field before the wall. I shuddered as a wave of nausea and anxiety flowed through me. This is where I was told Link had died. I covered my mouth, emotions swirling through my head. They wanted to come out of my stomach and onto the ground. "Woah," Link grabbed ahold of me as my knees buckled. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, looking into my eyes. Those ocean blue eyes searched mine concerned, and suddenly I wasn't sick. He was here. Link was alive and here, he may have been mortally wounded... but he was mine. "I must've eaten something bad." I stammered pulling away from him.

Link wasn't mine. Not right now.

"I'm fine, if I need I can vomit behind a tree or a Guardian." I mumbled, continuing my path towards Hateno. "Oh, ok." Link whispered and followed behind me. "We need to get a horse." I muttered, swallowing the bile in my throat.

Dear Journal,

My eyes hurt from crying. My head hurts from crying. I don't think my nose can produce anymore snot. Impa keeps trying to get me to come downstairs, I'd rather not. Wasting away up here seems fine. At least I decided to write. I guess. I want Link. I want to feel alive again. Kakariko villagers are taking care of Sky. I should give him away to someone who will actually ride him. I need to figure out what to do with the rest of my stuff. I don't want to be around for much longer if Link isn't here. My parents are probably dead. Impa is trying to move on, but I can't. I think I'll just stay here and... vanish.

We stood overlooking the valley that led into Hateno. My stomach churned at the thought of entering my hometown. The little voice in the back of my mind wanted to convince me that someone would recognize me. Maybe. If that. No one else was alive, that I knew of, who knew me.

I remembered my parents. A distant memory so long ago. I never returned to Hateno after I believed Link was dead. How could I? It's where we first met, after all. Every letter was sent to and from that house. My parents visited me once or twice at the castle, but never more. When I moved to Kakariko I was unable to tell anyone. It was for my safety. I wondered what had happened to my family, to the house. They must've assumed I died in the castle that day. If their grief was anything like mine, I could only imagine.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" Link squeezed my shoulder, I looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, I am. Sorry, I'm just nervous." Link gave me a sympathetic smile. "I know the feeling." He held his hand out to me. "If you'd like, you can take my hand and squeeze it if you feel nervous. I'll be here to help." I reached out and gently pushed his hand back. "No, I can do it. I don't wanna hurt you." Link was surprised, but shrugged. "Well, if you ever need to grab my hand I'll be here."

We approached the gates of the village to find a farmer standing guard with his pitchfork. "Who goes there? Who are you?" We raised our hands up. "We're just travelers." Link said calmly. The farmer lowered his pitchfork and sighed. "Well, as long as you're just passing through. We were the last to stand against the Calamity. If it wasn't for the brave hero protecting us, I wouldn't be standing here." He stepped away, Link turned to look at me. "My reputation precedes me." He said with a soft chuckle. I knew that look though. He was upset.

We walked through Hateno. Almost nothing had changed. It was comforting, and eerie all at once. I saw my house to the right, but decided not to approach it. After 100 years, it still looks livable. Father built it sturdy. I snapped my gaze back to the road ahead. Link pulled out his Sheikah slate and stopped. He looked up and pointed to the house atop the hill. "We need to go there." Link stated and continued his walk. He put the slate back on his side. I sighed remembering who exactly resided there.

We approached the door after the climb up. Link opened the door first, I simply stayed behind. The young girl looked up and saw Link and I. We exchanged looks of surprise, how was she young? She then saw Link and gave a small gasp. 'Yeah, Purah, why else would I visit you?' I thought crossing my arms.

Link approached her, she put on a cool attitude. "Hello. This is the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. Do you have business with the director?" She spoke, placing her hands on her hips. "I do." Link said calmly. "The director is in the back. A terribly busy person, that one. Please try to keep it brief." Purah said, motioning to her assistant. Link nodded and walked to the back.

"How are you alive? I thought you were dead, everyone did." Purah hissed under her breath. "Why do you look twelve?" I asked looking her over. Purah's jaw dropped in shock. "Excuse me?" She looks over herself and sighs. "Fair, I guess. I don't understand how you stayed eighteen." Purah pulled out a notebook and pen. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" I thought for a moment, then suddenly the man Link was talking to gave a holler at Purah. "Check it!" She called back with a wink.

Purah turned back to me, notebook in hand. "Did you do any experiments to keep yourself alive this long?"
"Did you pray to the goddess for a longer life?"
"Have you physically aged past eighteen. At all?"
"No. I have healed like and eighteen year old, I sleep like one, I eat like one. On all levels except mental, I am eighteen." I said plainly. "If I knew anything different I would tell you."

"Well, (Y/n), looks like you and I have an aging issue. How interesting."

Good morning!

By the way, the titles to this are the lyrics to Valentine by Laufey! Go listen, it's a beautiful song :)

Anyway, any of you guys have predictions for how this is gonna go down?

Idk, I just enjoy seeing comments n stuff

Excuse the short ass chapters in the beginning, they get longer I promise

What is your favorite joke to tell others?

My favorite is whenever someone asks the time. "What time is it?"
"It's time for you to get a watch." I'm literally so funny and hilarious. Pisses my friend off tho lmfaooo

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