I'm Scared of Flies <3

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I made my way back to the Village, flinching as I heard explosions from above. Anxiety and fear coursed through my body. Link was putting himself through hell again and I couldn't be there to help. I managed to get back and decided to sit by the cooking pot. My thoughts were running around in my head. I needed to figure it out. Each time I interacted with Link, I was left wondering. I was falling in love with him again, just as he was with me. Maybe, the best way to help Link regain our memories together was to be the person he fell in love with once before.

However... that girl is dead. Long gone. The pain of loosing Link, and surviving on my own after so long left that girl in the dust. The one who remains is a woman who has finally been able to smile again. And maybe, that's ok. The Link I'm falling in love with is allowed to show emotion. He doesn't have the weight of the world as heavy on his shoulders. He's the kind and gentle soul that was buried underneath the rough surface. We changed. For the better.

My hand found the necklace with my ring, and I squeezed it. I would allow myself to fall in love with my love again. I'd been fighting it off, fearing that when Link remembers he'd take it as moving on. Link wouldn't be the same when he remembered me. He'd be better. And I'll be better for him. I promise.

Dear Journal,

The doctor helped Aryll. Her leg was badly broken as well as a few other bones. Thanks to us being able to get her here fast, she's alright. Aryll is sleeping in one of the beds and I'm sitting at the table, watching her breathe. She's alive, and that's all that matters to me. The doctor also told me he found she's pregnant. She's been pregnant the entire time we were together. I feel horrible. I put my friend at risk because of my stupid decision.

I've had a moment to sit back and think about everything I've been doing to myself for years. What I've been doing to others for years. Eight years after Link's death and I've been trying to find ways to kill myself that... that make it so it looks like an accident. With zero regard to those around me. I've been suffering and everyone has been trying to help me and I've been blatantly refusing help. I've... tried myself to try to get rid of this feeling of emptiness and hopelessness. Each attempt on my life and I got scared again. This one? This one almost killed my friend, an innocent girl. And I get away, unscathed. I'm going to get better. Not for me, but for the people I love. Maybe then, I'll have the bravery to do it for myself.

Link tapped my shoulder, causing me to jump. I turned and found his gentle smile greeting me. "It's done. His spirit is finally freed." I nodded and sat up straight, feeling my back pop back into place. "You've been freeing the souls of the Divine Beasts?" I asked quietly. "I didn't know they had souls." Link took a seat beside me. "No. Their pilots." A sharp breath left my body. "What?" Link grimaced and stared into the fire. "Yeah. Uh, the pilots. The ones who died a hundred years ago. They've been trapped within the beasts." I reached out and took Link's hand. "They were your friends." I whispered. "I'm so sorry." Link let out a soft laugh.

"They all tell me how proud of me they are, and I can't help but wish someone was here for me." He said quietly, then looked at me. A blush crept across his face. "No offense, (Y/n). I don't mean it like I don't count you as someone. I just mean, someone who knew me a hundred years back. You know? I feel alone some days." How I wish I could allow myself to spill everything. Tell him I was here for him. I've been waiting so long. "Yeah. I get it." Was all that managed to tumble out of my mouth. Link smiled at me, then looked into the fire. "You know, (Y/n)... I'm glad you're here." He said. "I'd be lost without you. Thank you. I know you didn't have to help, but I'm glad you have."

I smiled and decided to sit closer to him. I slowly leaned against him. After a moment and him not moving away, I rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, relaxing into him. "I think you're the first person I've been able to be open with." I said quietly. "I had a journal a while back, but I stopped writing in it. Too little for me to say when no one was around." Link smiled and rested his cheek against my head. He hummed a response, and we watched the fire together. The flames danced about and we sat, content.

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