This Time <3

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We spend the day teleporting from place to place. Link entered shrine after shrine, searching for something. Each time he left seeming stronger than before. I never pried, nor asked to go inside of the shrine. It wasn't something that I needed to be a part of. After my conversation with Impa I was worried I was being a burden on Link, but those thoughts stopped when he looked at me. He seemed to know when I was overthinking and would pull me from the darkness.

I was getting comfortable with him again.

A shrine we stopped at had a pond beside it, and I sat and dipped my hand in. I wanted to get the frogs to come closer. Link noticed and threw himself in the water, catching the frog for me. I laughed really hard as he came out of the water soaking wet with a giant grin on his face. Anytime we go to bed, he always insists on holding me close. It's like he's afraid to lose me.

Maybe it's because he's remembered everyone he's lost. He's afraid to lose the one person who's still here, so he holds me tight. We returned to Kakariko after a few days of visiting the shrines. "I don't want to see Impa." I said softly. Link gazed out at the sleepy town. The lights in everyone's houses were off. We had arrived very late. "No one is awake anyway. Besides, that's not where we're going." He jumped off and opened his glider. I followed suit. He dropped in front of the goddess statue and smiled. "Here." He said, taking my hand. He led me up to the statue, and I could almost see it glowing softly. "I'm going to pray, would you like to join me?" He asked.

I slowly looked between him and the statue, chewing my lip. "I've never heard anything." I said quietly. "Hylia's never talked to me." Link stood thoughtfully and then nodded. "I understand. I don't think she's talked to anyone except me. I'm her chosen hero. Maybe she'll let you hear her voice when I talk to her." Link knelt down in front of the statue, and I kneeled beside him. "You don't have to pray," he murmured. "Just listen." So I did. I sat, and listened. It was too dark to see so I closed my eyes. Then, as if the voice was one with the wind I heard it. "Go and bring peace to Hyrule."

I opened my eyes and felt relief. So much weight lifted off of my shoulders. I didn't hate her, I couldn't. I was confused why she wouldn't talk to me during such a hard time in my life. She wasn't able to talk to anyone but Link. Because he is her destined hero to save the Kingdom. She needs to be able to communicate with him. I turned and watched as Link straightened up. "Did you hear her?" He asked tentatively. "I did." I whispered. Link smiled and looked at the statue. "Thank you." He said and bowed his head. "Yes, thank you." I said to her, also taking a bow. Link took a deep breath before standing up. "I know where the sword is. The Lost Woods. We must go."

I stood up as well. "Link, they're the Lost Woods for a reason. Those who go in, they don't come out." I whispered. "We will." Link said, taking my hand. "I know we will. As long as you trust me. Do you trust me?" I lost myself in Link's eyes, those beautiful blues. "With all of my heart."

Dear Journal,

I don't want to return to Impa. I know I will have to soon. I dread it. Every time I see her, she tells me to pray. It's been years and I haven't seen a grey hair or a wrinkle. I'm afraid. I don't know why or what's happening, but I am not aging. I don't think praying helps. I don't think she realizes Hylia has never once spoken to me. Others say the same, but Impa says I'm surrounding myself with non-believers. How do I tell her I don't surround myself with anyone? The Gerudo women, fine sure, but I'll be leaving them. I always leave. I can't get close to anyone because inevitably I will leave. I can't stand other people leaving me first. Not again. Not ever.

I need to stop thinking like that. It's not okay.

Meeting the princess was not something I ever expected to do. She was so kind. She and Link had become close friends, incredibly close friends. I didn't mind. When I first saw her, Link kneeled beside her. Zelda looked at me, and I quickly dropped into a curtsy. Zelda laughed and told me to stand, so I did. She shook my hand, and looked me over. Link had us hang out together. He escorted us outside, and we got to know one another. I found her endearing and gentle. Whenever she saw me in the halls she always says hello, and strikes up a conversation with me. I'm glad, Link was worried because she was hostile at first. I felt so happy that she was our princess, our future.

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