I Had <3

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"Link, what happened?" Zelda asked. Link opened his hand and saw the ring inside with the chain. "I-I don't know." He said, staring at the ring. "I thought... I don't know what I thought." His mind was at a blank, and Zelda was concerned and heartbroken for (Y/n). "Link, who is she to you? Do you know her at all?" Zelda pleaded. "She told me she was a descendant of my (Y/n)." Link said, his voice cracking. "And, I believed her. Why wouldn't I? And-and then we kissed and I saw her. I saw... her. But I chalked it up to being her descendant. How could she be alive this long? Then I tried asking her things, and she knows stuff and... is that my (Y/n)?" Link whispered.

"How did you not recognize her?" Zelda asked. Link was panicking now, his chest heaving as he studied the ring. He wasn't listening to Zelda. He was frantic. "She had this all this time? Why didn't she show me?" Link asked, turning to Zelda. "Link. You have to listen to me." Link suddenly looked up, full attention on Zelda. "Why didn't you tell her you remembered who she is?"
"Because," and suddenly Link's mind clicked.

The sad looks (Y/n) got from people who knew him. The constant protectiveness (Y/n) had. (Y/n) and Impa's relationship. Anyone who knew him would pull (Y/n) away to talk in hushed voices. Every time those hushed voices stopped (Y/n) usually came back looking irritated or angry, but never at him. The way she looked at him every time he remembered something. The reason why she never minded his touches, kisses or faults. "She constantly told people she didn't want to burden me." He whispered. "I... I didn't want to do the same. I couldn't risk telling not-her that she was my fiancé. How could I be so blind?" He whispered.

"Link, you have to go after her." Zelda said urgently. "I do." He murmured, dazed out of his mind. "Link. Go to Impa. She should have some information where (Y/n) is. If anyone knows (Y/n) it's Impa."
"Yeah, Impa." He said softly. "Her best friend. (Y/n)'s best friend." Link repeated, pocketing the ring and chain. He seemed to be in a daze. He was panicking but so, so happy. His (Y/n) was alive! And she loved him still. His (Y/n). And she helped him the entire time, and she was strong and beautiful and amazing and perfect and his.

Link immediately traveled to Kakariko, and walked into Impa's home.

The old woman looked up expectantly, a tattered book in her hands. "Hello Link." She greeted. Link walked forward. "Impa, I think I've made a mistake. I didn't realize (Y/n) was my (Y/n). Please, do you know where she might be?" He whispered, holding out the ring. Impa sighed and looked at the book in her hands. "I haven't been a good friend to (Y/n) in a long time." She said quietly. "I thought what I was doing was for the betterment of Hyrule. I realized I am also to blame for her mental state." Impa held it out to Link. Link stared at the book, then looked up at Impa. "This is her journal. When you first 'died' I urged her to write out her feelings to get past your death." Impa said simply, urging him to take the book. Link pocketed the ring again and took the journal.

He opened the first page. His hand traced her writing, the beautiful way she wrote. Even if it was a little messy, he could always read it. His eyes drifted down the page and he read aloud. "Dear Journal, Impa told me that writing this after Link passed would help me heal. Heal in what way? I don't want to heal, I don't even want to live." His voice broke, and Link flipped through each of the pages. He skimmed a few passages before shutting it tightly. Each word he read, each sentence was filled with grief and anger. His heart broke for her. He gripped the books in his hands. Link could practically feel the pain and agony from inside. "Why do you have it?" He asked softly. "Our last fight was a long, long time ago. I was upset she went to Gerudo Town. The town where women go and lounge about in the hot sun, learning how to be a good wife. I thought she took a vacation. Instead, (Y/n) decided to go there for support. Feminine support in order to move on. She was trying to better herself, I saw that years later. We screamed at one another, and when I told her to pray for answers to her not aging she snapped at me. I was trying to get her off of my back. I didn't know how to tell her you were still alive without her trying to find you."

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