Minoru Mineta

391 8 3

It's a self love chapter. Yayayayayaya.


It's been a hard week. And I need some me time. Usely I would go and spy on the girls. But I really don't want to chance getting a earjack to the eye again. Nor do I want to get tape to the roof again. I hum as I sit on my bed. I could.. no what if someone nocked or walked in. But I could take a shower I guess. Maybe a bath. But if I did so. I'm going to need a few things before I hope in.

I smiled as I quickly write down a list of things I needed. I quickly hope on lie to get my blackmail I have on Momo. This way I can make her make me this stuff. And because I don't want to go outside. The blackmail I had on her was of her secrets relationship with Jirou. I had a really interesting pic of the two together.p

And with my luck I should be able to get what I want

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And with my luck I should be able to get what I want. I was planning to use this for a better timing. But I need me time. And getting Lida off my back. Easy.

Because I know tonight Bakugo and Midoriya are going to be leaving to night and will be training . And Lida is going to end up following them. I smiled as I quickly grab my phone and ran down the hall. I quickly nocked on Lida's room. " Mineta this is a surprise. But right now you should be getting ready for bed." I huffed a bit at his comment before I spoke up. " Glad I can talk now. But tonight Bakugo and Midoriya are planning to leave the dorm without tell anyone. Thought you should know." I smiled as I walked away.

Lida quickly shut his door. I then rush down to Momo's room. And to my surprise guess who's inside. I chuckled as I nocked on the door. " Who is it?" Momo yelled from the other side. I reply with a checky grin. " I need you to help me with something." And then Jirou yelled back. " Go away Mineta!" I huff before pulling up my phone. I quickly sent the picture and waited. After a few minutes the door open. " What do you want?!" Momo asked. I just smile before handing her my list. She hugged for bit.

She then closed the door. About 10 minutes later she opened the door again. And handed me a bag of stuff. I smiled as I grab the stuff. " Thank you." I said as I trun away and walked off. But I was stopped by Jirou yelling. " You better Delete that Mineta!" I only chuckled as I ran back to my room. I quickly set my alarm to 10. When Bakugo and Midoriya would be leaving the building.  I smiled as I quickly set everything up. Candles that small of peppermint, rose petals, and chocolate. I'm spoiling myself as if I'm a girl on her period.

And I don't regret one thing at all. I quickly left the bathroom before lay down in my bed. As long as I look to be sleeping before Lida leave after Bakugo and Midoriya. I should be good. I check my alarm one more time before laying down.  My dreams filled with nothing but the girls from class. I awoke to the annoying sound of my alarm. I grown as I set up. After a few minutes I quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom. It didn't take me to long to relax.

Now this was worth it. I smiled as I picked up the book from the bag. Now time to do some read. After I while of reading I looked over at my phone. It's almost 4. I should get some rest. I sighed. Getting out of the tub. Once I walked out of the bathroom everything felt foggy. I quickly got dressed before falling asleep on the bed. About 3 hour's later my alarm went off again. School right. I quickly got dressed. After I finish I rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look up in the mirror and froze.

 I look up in the mirror and froze

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Whos the hot bab in the mirror. I look down to notice the boobs on my chest. I'm a girl. I scream but quickly cover my mouth. Please tell me this is a dream. If not. Can I trun back and have anyone of the other guys be girls. I huffed as I peeked out my door. Denki was standing at the end of the hall. And he's fine. Are you kidding me. I quickly shut the door. After a few minutes I hissed in pain. I quickly ran to the bathroom and grab some ibuprofen. I quickly calm down.

I then sat on the floor for about a hour eating the left over chocolate from last night. I think stand up as quickly as possible when a loud bag hit my door. Shit class. I quickly then dust my self off. I stopped though once I felt my hands get wet. I quickly look down to see them covered in blood. Are you kidding me. One I'm a girl and two I'm on my period. Please someone kill me. I jumped at the sound of my door hitting the ground. My eyes widened as I hide in the shower.

Nope nope nope. I'm not letting anyone see me like this.
I quickly calm down though once I hear Denki. " Bakugo I'll talk to him. Just get back to class. And you may wanna tell Aizawa about the door you have broken there." After a few minutes there was a nock apone the bathroom door. " Mineta bro. Are you in there . Aizawa said he that was a break in past night. And wanted everyone to be down in class right now. Mineta you are ok right. " I bit my bottom lip as Denki nocked on the door. Fuck.

And done. Yep there's going to be a second part to this chapter. Well see ya later you all.

Word count 1020

Word count 1020

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Minoru Mineta x Class 1A boys ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now