Eijro Kirishima

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This chapter contains smut this chapter was also a request. So Rip Mineta-.-

Mineta (pov)

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Mineta (pov)

I can't believe what those three did. I grow under my breath. Let just say playback is going to be a bitch. For Bakugo I'm going to show to the class hoe much Smart then him I am. I know I may end up dead by the time I do so. But it will be so much Worth it. With Sero all I have to do is so that I'm more flexible then him wall training. And for Kirishima... I don't know what to do to Kirishima.

Mean I could make his feelings about Bakugo known to the hole school. But the hole school already knows. Maybe I can make Bakugo hate him. No no. That wouldn't work. Maybe. I can show him I'm more 'manly' then him. But what does that even mean. I mean what makes a man a man. I know I'm not strong enough, nor could I bet him in a fight. Well I do have a bigger cock then him. I can make him feel embarrassed about his size. But that would be kinda gay the more I think of it.

But we are bros it's not gay. It's just guys being guys. Nothing gay about it. Just a joke. Ya I'll show him this more manly. But I'll have to do it at night. The other two I can do tomorrow in class. What time is it anyways. I quickly look over to the clock on my desk. It's 6:45 I'm going to guess everyone is having dinner right now. Most likely with out me. They never invited me when they cock. But I guess this gives me a bit more time to plan.

First I'll have to sneak out of my room. Got to make sure Aizawa isn't anywhere near. Then I have to sneak to his room without getting seen by anyone. So I have to make sure Hagakure is asleep in her room and not pretending to be a Gost or a demon in the dorms. Because also time she ended up stopping me from prank Denki back. Not letting it happened again. No nope no way. When I have to make sure I can get in to his room. So I'll most likely have to bring my lock pick kit. Unless he's been having though nightmares again.

In that case he would most likely have his door unlocked that way he can just run out to Bakugos room. Them all I have to do is put a few balls on his wrist and lags so he can't move so I can embarrass him. Ya that's sounds like the perfect plan. I'll just have to wait until 10:30 to do it. This way I avoid the 10:15 dorm check. And Bakugo should be asleep by then. Hagakure should be pass out by 10:20 after she finish watching her favorite show tonight.

Ok nothing can go wrong. Nothing at all. I chuckled as I quickly lay down in my bed. I quickly make the room look as if I had fallen asleep a hour ago. Now all I have to do is wait out the time. I should make a alarm. Now time to lay back down. No one should came in here wall I'm sleeping so. I should be fine and get enough rest. I'm going to get my revenge if it's the last thing I do. No one lies to me and ties me to the ceiling fan. No one.=⁠_⁠=

"Haaaa" I quickly sat up at the sound of my alarm going off. Shit I forget something I have it set as a morn. But got to say it works. I chuckled as I quickly turn off the alarm and get out of bed. Ok I have 2 hours before Aizawa comes back this way for a nothing check in. I should be able to be back in my room by then. That's only if I don't fuck this up. I quickly pickup my lock picking Cass and walk to my door. I have to be as quick and quiet as possible.

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