Izuku Midoriya part 1

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I don't think I even seen Mineta so sad before. I mean I seen him cry and everything. But I never would have thought he would try to hit Aizawa. I mean what Aizawa said wasn't nice. I don't think I would ever tell anyone that couldn't because a hero because of there looks or even there quirk. Mineta is sensitive like me. Maybe I should go check up on him. I know if that was me. I would want someone to check up on me. Now that I think about it. Others would check in on me.

I huff as the lunch bell rain. Ok time to check on Mineta. I quickly rush out of the classes room and down to the dorms. I don't really know much about Mineta. Just what his quirk is. Maybe I can ask about the perverted thing when I get there. I quickly open the door to the common room. Yep the dorm seam empty down here. He's mostly likely in his room. I sigh as I walk over to the elevator and waited for it to open. Which was right away. Guess he toke the stairs up. I quickly walk in.

Once the doors closed I hit the top floor.  I star to muble as I think about what I was going to ask him. What is his home life like? Does he know how wrong it is to touch a girl with out her permission? And if he is ok. I snap out of my thoughts as the elevator ding's. I quickly look up as the doors open. I sigh as I walk out of the elevator. Now that I think about it. I don't think I've been in Mineta's room before. I quickly pull out my notes book as I walk down to his room.

This is a good time to get to understand Mineta a bit better. I smiled as I reach Mineta's door. I go to nock but stop as I hear talking on the other side." Mineta right?! Tell me I'm right!" That sounds like Dabi. Is Mineta is trouble?!" What do you want from me?!" He sounds so scared. I quickly pull out my phone and tex Aizawa as Dabi speaks up." Nothing really. Just for you to join us." No way Mineta would say yes to that. ' Aizawa I'm pretty sure Dabi is in Mineta's room.'

I quickly press send to Aizawa. I then hear Mineta speak up. " No way! I don't want to be a Villein like you. I like helping people!" I knew Mineta cared more about helping others then just trying to impress chicks. My phone dings and I look down at the text from Aizawa." Wait outside his door if anything happens before I get there stop Dabi." I didn't respond. I the hear Dabi speak up. " Minoru. I can call you that right? Don't care! Anyway Minoru you grow up in a orphanage because your parents didn't want you because of your quirk.

And not to mention what Aizawa said to you. So if you can't be a hero why not a Villein. I mean we could always use a nother spy!?" My eyes wide. So there is a trader in the school already. Wait no he's trying to get Mineta to join them. Say no! Say no Mineta!. Aizawa should be here in a few minutes. I hope he gets here faster. " Never! I would never be a Villein! I don't care that I didn't grow up in the best conditions nor do I care about what my classmates think.

Or Aizawa! Ya I know I've fucked up on multiple occasions with my classmates. The girls hate me. And I don't blame them. My adopted parents are strict as hell. And I won't let that changes my out put in life! They have been bagging me to start dating and I'm not ready for that. And I know my perverted nature is there for a reason. It's so I can protect myself from the world that expects so much out of you. So you can go suck a dick Dabi because I'm not joining you!"

Holy hell. Didn't know Mineta was adopted into his family. Nor did I know he perverted only because it makes him feel safe. " Why do you UA brats have to make everything so difficult?! This is no longer a question it's a command!" Yep I have to interfere with this. " Mineta!! Are you ok in there!" I quickly spoke up. After a few minutes he opened the door with a black eye. Shit not good." Hey Midoriya did you need something?!" He looked so scared. A few tears dropped down his face. I quickly look down the hall to see Aizawa.

" Mineta why don't you come down to my room so we can chill. I would love to get to know more about you!" Mineta quickly shock his head no. " Sorry Midoriya I'm a bit busy at the moment." He quickly wrapped his arms around his chest. Yep I need to get in there. I quickly push open his door more." Then I'll just come in and wait." I look over at Aizawa who had a few other teachers with him. Please make this quickly Aizawa. " No no it's a mess in here. I don't want you to see it."

Mineta is making this hard. I sigh as I kick the door hard. After I kick it I hear a scream. " You FUCKER!" Mineta eyes widen as I quickly pull him out of the room. I them pull him into my arms and ran down the hall. " How did you?." I quickly answered his question knowing what he was asking. " I over heard your convenience. And don't worry I made sure to get help." Mineta look up at me comfused as Aizawa spoke up." Go now we don't have much time." I quickly stopped by the elevator as Aizawa and a few of the other teachers got Dabi.

After a few minutes Dabi was being walked out of the dorm by Vlad. " Remember my offer Minoru!" I quickly hugged him pulling Mineta close to my chest. " Not happing." I quickly spoke out. Once he was pulled into the elevator Aizawa spoke up. " So Midoriya what was so important that you couldn't wait for us to help?" I huffed as I spoke up. " Dabi hit Mineta and I new something bad would happen if I didn't act when I did. With that being said. Aizawa can Mineta stay in my room tonight? I think he room isn't going to be a good idea for him."

Aizawa huffed as he responded. " Fine. But I expect you both in class tomorrow." I smiled as I care Mineta down to my room. " Hey Mineta. I do have a few questions if you don't mind answering them." Mineta look up at me as he wiped away a few of his tears. " Sure Midoriya. I don't mind answering some questions."

Word count 1201

Stay toon for part 2 if your reading this a after I finished part 2 then. I hope you enjoy part 2 them.  (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)

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