Mezo Shoji

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Hello I think you know what is going on here🚧⚠️ smut a head and Mezo background spoil 🚧⚠️


Shoji has been acting off lately. And I seam to be the only one to notice it. It makes me kinda worry for the guy. Shoji is such a kind dude. And I've though I don't talk with him much. Besides teaming up with him when I wanted to look good in fighting and showing off my intelligence from it. But I still don't want to see him sad. He's a good classmates and a good sport.

I sigh as I get up from my bed. Class was dismissed early today. Only because Midoriya and Bakugo decided to destroy all the training equipment when fighting. I sigh as I quickly walk over to my door keys in hand. I should go check up on him. I sigh as I quickly walked down the hall. He's on the same floor as me so I'm lucky enough to not run into anyone else. I want to get this done as quickly as possible before heading back to bed. I sigh as I reach his door. I stop as I hear him speak up.

" I don't care what you do with her! Just keep my name out of it!" Ok that's a new side of Shoji I don't think I really want to meet. But I do want to know what he's talking about. I quickly pull my ear to the door and listen in. I know should. But I feel like hearing some tea. And not form Mina this time." No I don't care about them! After what they told me! What they put me though! Why would I care if you kill them!" What the fuck!

Am I hearing this right. Shoji on the phone with someone who's trying to kill someone that he supposed to care about. But doesn't. Ok I'm comfused. Aft a few minutes his door quickly opens. I fall forward. Thinking I'm about to hit the ground but stop when a pair of arms grab me.  I froze as I feel myself get dragged into the room. The door behind me quickly shuts close." Hey Shoji I was just stopping by to check up on you." I quickly mudder out. Ya it way to oveus I was listening in. He quickly hangs up the phone.

" How much did you hear?" I quickly look away as I responded." Nothing at all. I just wanted to check up on you is all." Shit don't tell me he's going to let me get killed nexted." He quickly picks me up so I'm eye to eye with him." Minoru!" I jump at the first use of my name. Not many call me Minoru. Not even Denki and he knows he can." Yes Shoji?" I quickly respond. Shit I'm scared."  Tell me what you heard!" He quickly pulls me even closer to his face. Shit this is scary.

I take a deep breath as I responded." Please don't be mad!" He looked at me anger before his eyes soften. He the waiting for me to tell him." Just the last few minutes I don't know anything else!" I quickly spoke up. He sighs before pulling down his mask. I don't think I've ever seen him with it off. He looks good." Are you planning to tell anyone about what you hear?" I take a deep breath. I would tell Aizawa. I quickly look away. It gave him the answer he was waiting for me to say." I'll take that as a yes."

He then quickly dropped me. I flop down onto his bed. Shit! I'm so dead. Why do I always end up in this situations!(because I'm writing it that way!) What now! He quickly made a nothing arm that quickly locked the door. Yes I'm so fuck!. He the quickly speaks up again." I can't allow that to happen Minoru." I froze as he got closer." If you say anything at all your going to have to be punished!" My eyes widen. Do I even want to know how. I sigh as I quickly asked.

" How would I be punished?" Why am I asking that. I could just say ok. He looked down at me. He smiles as he speaks up." On your knees. I'll show you." I quickly get on my knees. I'm scared to find out what he would have done if I didn't. After a few minutes he quickly pulls down his pants and underwear. My eye quickly widen as I look at his cock at full attention. His dick was right Infront of me. I quickly lookup at him. Should I be scared. Because I have a feeling this is going somewhere sexual.

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