Testutetsu Testutetsu

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Before this chapter starts I want to say thank you all for 5k reads on this book. Also this is a Valentine day chapter. So happy Valentine's. Enjoy this chapter.


Today me and Testutetsu have been hanging out with each other. It has only recently happened. Only because Denki hasn't been taking to me. And Testutetsu hasn't been talking to Monoma. From what he told me. Monoma Sayed something that upset him a bit. But I have enjoyed this past few weeks. " So Mineta tell me what do you think about the cookies?" I quickly jump out of my thoughts.

" Sorry Testutetsu I was thinking. Anyway I think they are real good. Where did you get them from?" He quickly chuckle before responding." I may have picked up on your behavior a bit and snuck into A1 dorms and took them from someone's room." I quickly cover my mouth. " I'm surprised you where able to get them here unseen." Testutetsu only chuckle in response. After a few minutes I was about say something. When Monoma walked into the room." Really again Testutetsu! Why is it you keep hanging out with the grape fucker!"

I grown as I stuff a nother cookie into my mouth." Hey Mineta wanna go play some games up in my room." I quickly nod my head. We both then quickly get up from the 1B dorms couch." Hey didn't you here me! Why won't you answer me! What are you fucking the grape or something!" Me and Testutetsu both stopped. Did he just assume that me and Testutetsu are dating. After a few minutes of nether of us respond Monoma spoke up." You so fucking are! Gross!" I huff as he said gross. I get it. No one really likes me.

"And what would be the problem if I was dating Mineta?" Monoma slowly stopped laughing as he trys to respond." No even his so call "best friend " is talking with him anymore! I don't understand why you would! Your smarter then that Testutetsu!" He then continue to laugh again. After a few minutes Testutetsu quickly picks me up." Come on Minoru where leaving. We can go on a date in a few minutes." Date!? Wait what is happening! He quickly walked us out of the room and down to his dorm. He quickly opened the door carrying me inside with him.

He quickly sat me down on his bed and close and locked his door." A date?!" I quickly question him. He quickly turns to me and responds." I don't know what I was thinking ok! I just hate it when he acts like that. And I'm still mad at him. So seeing him all shocked and surprised was the highlight of my week. I'm so sorry Mineta. We don't have to do the date think. I just said it to get him to shut up." Well it worked." Well he's expecting us to leave in a few. So don't we have to go out?"

Testutetsu grown for a minute before responding." Your right. Ugh! Where should we go?" I stop to think for a minute." No porn or anima shops!" He quickly spoke out. I quickly chuckle as I responded." Wasn't going to say that. I was going to suggest Ice cream. But that other option sounds really good as well." He quickly chuckle at my response." Ok ok! Let's get some ice cream." I smile as I quickly sat up." Maybe we can stop by the game store on the way back?!" He quickly respond." No da why wouldn't we?!"

I quickly laughed as he garbs some clothes and change really quickly. Lucky I told everyone in my class I was going out of the day. Testutetsu quickly walked out of his bathroom." Really to go Mineta?" I chuckled as I responded." Sure thing babe!" I quickly cover my mouth as I chuckled. Testutetsu quickly covered his as well. Guess where doing this all day. He quickly walks over to me and picks me up. He then walls us down the hall. Monoma is sitting in the leaving room just staring at us as we leave.

"Let's go get ice cream now! I have had any in a few weeks." I chuckled as I responded to him." Like same ! Midoriya eats up all the ice cream that the class buys. It gets os bad that we all have a Mimi fridge in are rooms." Testutetsu quickly started to chuckle." Completely understandable. Kinda wish we could do that." Testutetsu continue to walk as he moved me to his shoulders." Well no one has told Aizawa about them so. That's why we can have them." Testutetsu almost instantly respond." I'm surprised that Iida hasn't said anything."

I quickly started to laugh as I responded." Ya the reason for that is because Midoriya would always go for his ice cream first. From what I heard mint chocolate chip is his favorite." Me and Testutetsu continue to laugh as we made are why to the ice cream shop." Hello boys what can I help you with today." I look up at the menu as Testutetsu tells the lady what he wants." Mineta what do you want dude?" I quickly respond." Grape chip please." The lady quickly nods as she walks to get are things." Hey Mineta I'm a few bucks short."

I quickly chuckle as I pull out my wallet." Hey ya go." I quickly hand him the rest of the money he needs. Once the lady came back Testutetsu goes to hand her the money but she speaks up." It's free today. It's moooo Monday." She chuckles. Me and Testutetsu smile as we respond to her." Thank you." Testutetsu quickly picked up are ice cream and walked us to a place to sit. He quickly sat down the ice cream before helping me down. I smile as I quickly sat down. Testutetsu followed as he try to sort out the money." Just keep it.

You can just pay me back next time." He quickly smiles as he puts the money away." Hey Testutetsu can I just call you Testu. It's takes a lot longer to call you Testutetsu." He chuckled as he responds." Sure thing Minoru!" I chuckled as he says my name. After a few minutes I look out the window and jump when I see Monoma stand outside looking at us." Holy fucking hell!" Testu quickly look at the window a grown. We both quickly grabbed are ice cream and left the building." Is he still behind us Minoru."

I quickly crawl over Testu shoulder and looked behind us." Yep he is." Testu grown as we question walked into the game store. Monoma just stood outside as me and Testu got what we wanted from inside." Hey Testu why don't we give him a reason to leave us alone?" Testu quickly looked at me with a smile." I have a idea." Testu quickly picked me up as he rushed us out of the store. Monoma hand a hard time keeping up as Testu ran. He stopped and pulled us into a ally way." So what's your plan?"

I quickly look up at Testu. He takes a deep breath before quickly pinning me to the wall and kissing me. My face quickly darkens as I slowly kiss back. After a few minutes I hear Monoma grown as he stumps away from us. After a few minutes Testu slowly pulls away." Sorry but it works gone." I quickly look away with a deep blush on my face. I liked that! Am I not straight?!" Mineta? Minoru are you ok." I quickly respond to him." Fine finest fine I'm fine." After a few minutes Testu spoke up." Did you want a nother kiss?"

My face darken even more. After a few minutes Testu quickly grabbed my chin and pulled me into a nother kiss. After a few minutes we pulled away again. My face even darker then it was a few minutes ago." How about we hang out in my room. That way Monoma won't bug us?!" Testu stopped before responding." Is anyone going to hear us if I do go?" My face completely turns red." Testu!!!" He chuckled as he responded." Guess I have picked up on your personal a lot. Let's go." My face pushed into Testu chest as we walked back to UA.

Why do I have a bad feeling I'm never going to be able to walk again after today.

..... Ya no I'm not writing the smut. You think if it in your head what happened! But happy Valentine's again and I'll see ya all next time I post. Also thx again for 5k reads.

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