Anxiety Lovers

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The weal or death has spoken and it's SMUT time.


Last day. There's no coming back after this is there. I'm leaving after school. This way I can say my proper good byes. Denki hasn't talked to me sence he found out I was leaving. I do wish to speak with him before I leave. Luck for me that gives me all day until 8 when my father is picking me up.i sigh as I quickly make my away down the stairs. I want to spend as much time as I can here before I have to leave.

I sigh as I reach the bottom floor. No one seam to be in the common room. Guess I'm heading straight to class then. I was hoping I would have breakfast with everyone one last time. I huff as I quickly walk over to the door the dorm. Here goes my last day at UA. I kinda wish it wasn't the last though. After I felt I quickly rush down to the class room. Aizawa looked at me before speaking up." Late like always Mineta. Go sit down so we can get started today." I sigh I star making my way to my set but stop half way.

I look around to notice Denki and Ojiro aren't in class today. Am I really not going to be able to say goodbye to them." Mineta sit down in your set." I huff as I quickly walk back to the front of the class." Mineta I said your set." I sigh as I speak up. " As you all know today I'm leaving UA." I looked around to notice everyone reaction. They all looked down or away from me. I take a deep breath as I speak up.

" If it was up to me. I would stay. But I have no choice in the matter. So why wast what time I do have left and spend it with each other. Because who knows when we will all meet up again." After a few minutes Aizawa speaks up." Anyone want to do what Mineta stated raise your hand." I quickly look around the room to my surprised everyone here had there hand up." Ok with that being said class is dismissed for the day. And I will see most of you all tomorrow."

I smiled as I everyone got up. We the Rush down to the dorm room." Ok because Mineta is leaving today let's all hang out in the common room and watch a movie and play some games." Mina quickly spoke up as we walk inside." Sounds like a great idea." This way I can spend more time with them all." But question where is Denki and Ojiro? I haven't seen them today." I quickly ask. Everyone looked at me sad before responding. " We don't know the last we all seen of the two was yesterday. They where at the mail buy a hand full of things."

Tsuyu said. Right after Midoriya spoke up." Once they got back they went to Denki's room and haven't left. If you want you can go check up on them. We can get everything here set up." I smiled. I like that idea. " Sure thing and if someone is ordering food please get me some grapes soda please. And if Bakugo us cooking then someone add a lot of surger into mines." Hagakure then quickly respond." Well get you some grape ice cream as well you may need it before the day ends." What is that supposed to mean? " Don't worry I'll have him a icepack for when he gets back."

What did Yaoyoroza mean by that? You know what I don't care. I better just check up on the two. I quickly sighed before walking to the elevator. Denki's room is on the second floor. I quickly walk into the elevator as the doors open. I sigh as I take out my phone to check the time before the elevator opens. 8:50am ya I was about a hour late for Aizawa class today. I sigh then the elevator doors open. I smile as I quickly rush to Denki's room. I really do hope this two aren't upset with me.

I take a deep breath as I knock on the door. Please open it. After a few minutes the door opened on its own. Ok low key creepy as fuck. If it wasn't for the fact Denki and Ojiro are in there I would run back down stairs. But I really need to talk with them. I take a deep breath as I walk in. Shit why is it so dark in here. After a few seconds the door closed behind me. Ok what the fuck?! That's so creepy! " DENKI.. Ojiro.. are you in here I need to talk with you both."

Minoru Mineta x Class 1A boys ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now