Minoru Mineta

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Today I'm going out with my family. My mom my older twin sister and brother bye 3 years and are 4 year old little sister. And are father is coming home for once. I hadn't seen him in over 3 years. I quickly packed up something and headed down stairs. And everyone was really to go. Even my dad. I smiled as I quickly run up and hugged him. " There's no way this big guy here is my baby boy Minoru!" I chuckled as he picked me up. " Dad I'm not a baby anymore I'm a teenager and I'm in highschool."

He only chuckled as he put me back down. " And looked at my twins here. My little girl Meteora and my little boy Meto. And not to mention my new born baby girl Minora." My mom quickly chuckled as she spoke up. " Hunny Meteora and Meto are 18 now almost 19 there young adults. Minoru is 15 almost 16 and is going to be gone for a while soon. And Minota is 4 years old now. She'll be starting school next year." I smiled as my father talked back. " Nope nope I will not believe it.

Minora is only 1 year old my twins are only 15 going on 16 and my little boy is only 13 he's not even out oh middle school yet." Everyone quickly chuckled as we packed up are lunch. It didn't take long to do so. Once we finish we all hoped in the car. " So little brother tell your big sister. You got a boyfriend?" My eyes widen. I quickly glared at my sister. But my brother quickly spoke up. " No Meteora he has a girl friend right. I bet she's hot and has huge tits!" I huff as the two fight.

" No he has a tale boyfriend that has the body frame of a WWE wrestler!" My mom quickly interfere stopping there fighting. " Stop it you two. If Minoru has a boyfriend or a girlfriend I would have known about it." I huff as I quickly covered my blushing face. " Baba ok?" I smiled as I hear Minora speak up. I quickly respond to her. " Ya baba ok Minora." She smiled and giggled. " What's so funny Minora?" Everyone but dad stop to look at Minora. " Baba has boy-friends name Denki! Denki Denki Denki!!" My eyes quickly widen. My mother starred to laughing.

" Should have known your best friend was more then a friend." Meto quickly spoke up." So little brother tell us about this Denki?" I huffed as Menteora spoke up as well. " Dose he have pecks. It is a 8 pack. If not I think my little brother can do better then that." I grown as the car came to a stop. " Guys Denki is just my friend. And plese I don't think I would get a boyfriend or a girlfriend friend." My Dad quickly looked back at me and spoke up." Why do you say that kiddo?

Your a good kid you get great grade's and not to mention you know how to cock I mean. Not many guys can say that!" My mom quickly toke over his talk to comment." Your father is included in those people who can't cook dear." We all chuckle as we got out of the car. Meteora grabbing Minora and Meto helping dad with the bags. I quickly helped my mom out of the car.  We then quickly found a place to sit down. " But dear really why do you say that?" My mother quickly asked. I sighed as I responded.

" It's because of my perverted nature. Every girl at school hates me. And I'm pretty sure every guy thinks I'm a dick. Even Denki says it sometimes." I sigh as I quickly grab a sandwich from the bag. My sister quickly spoke up." Minoru don't listen to them. Me and Meto went though the same thing in middle school. It's a medical problem in are family. We can't control what are mind's think half the time." My mom quickly chuckled interrupting Meteora. " Dear when the twins where in school we got phone calls back to back about them.

They even found Meto hinding in one of the male lockers trying to get pictures for Meteora and she did the same for Meto. Not to mention when I met your father." I chuckled as father quickly spoke up. " Hey we don't talk about that!" My mom quickly laugh as she explains."I meant your father in my closet. The thing is we went to two different schools in two different towns. He was try to take pictures for his collection and to say the least I was posing for them." Minora quickly spoke up. " Ewwwwww mom!!" We all chuckled.

" Just wait Minora your going to do the same thing when you get older." Meto called out. Bit it didn't take mom to long to respond." She has already started with the neighbors kid." We all chuckle as my sister spoke up. " So don't be so consider about love little bro. It will come to ya. Just for now try to to let your hormones get the best of. And ask out a boy!" Meto quickly interrupted. " No a girl!" And they continue as dad spoke up." Mineta so when are you going to tell them your bi?" Everyone stopped to look at me.

My hole family was full of blush. " DAD!" I yelled. Everyone chuckled as we continue to eat. " But really question little bro if you where to date anyone in you class male and female who would it be?" I sigh knowing there's no escape from this question. " Well there's two guys I have in mind and two girls. And a nothing guy from a different class as well as a girl." They all quickly waiting for my response. " One would be Denki and a nother Shoji... Mom has meat Shoji. And the guy from a nother class is Monoma." Mom quickly smile as she speaks up.

" If I remember correctly Shoji is that big strong multiple armed way in your class and Monoma is that rich kid you says that sometimes make fun of you. Denki is a sweet boy though." My brother quickly stops my mom." That's great and all but what about the girls." He eyes widen as he drooled a bit. Everyone chuckled as I spoke up. " Now that I think about it. There's 4 girls. Momo who is my classroom vice president. Tsuyu who sits next to me in class. Pony. I really like her horns. And Komori. I've been told we have simpler personalities." My brother quickly spoke up.

" How big are there racks?!" My mom quickly put a end to it though." That enough for now. Let's go get some ice cream." We then all yelled what flavor we wanted. " Grape/creamy vanilla/ cookies and cream/ chocolate!" My mom chuckled as she responded. " Ok grape from Mineta Creamy Vanilla for Meto Cookies and Cream for Meteora and chocolate for Minora. Got it want anything hunny?" My Dad quickly respond. " Maybe after the kids go to bed." He gaver her a wink. " Grows Dad!" We all yelled.

Tell me. Do you believe in happy ever afters. If you said yes. Then your right because I don't feel like drama. ฅ⁠^⁠⁠ﻌ⁠⁠^⁠ฅ

Word count 1236

Minoru Mineta x Class 1A boys ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now