Koji Koda

279 8 11

The weal of death has chosen.

Mineta (pov)

Ok I have a lot on my mind right now. I get it. It's weird for me to have any else on my mind. But girls. But I just reserved some horrible news. My father called me today. My mother is in the hospital. And my father lives is the United States now. Mean I have to move. If mom doesn't get any better in the next few weeks. My father Is going to came a get me. I mean I wouldn't be so consider if I would still be going to UA.

But if I move. I'll be talking out and put into a normal high school. But that also means. Me and Denki can't hang out any more. I don't want anyone to feel bad about Me leaving. But I don't think over half the class would care. I sighed as I sit down on my bed. This sucks. And to think I'll have to leave mom as well. Father wouldn't let me stay unless I have a parent to watch over me. And Mom isn't going to be able to do so if she's sick like father said.

I quickly grab my pillow and shove my face into it. I lay on my back screaming into the pillow. I only stop when I felt a bit if Pressure on my belly. I pull up my pillow to see a white bunny nuzzled up into my stomach. How did Koda's bunny get in here? He usely keeps his door lock. I sighed as I sit up with the bunny in my hands. " Well I guess what Koda says is true. Animal's can tell when something is wrong. Is that why your not with Koda? You little fluff ball."

I smiled as I started to pet the bunny. I see why Koda is allowed pats though. He can talk to them. So he knows just what to say to get them to listen. " Well you little snowball of fluff. You really shouldn't be in here. I bet Koda is looking for you." I sighed as the bunny jumped higher into my arms. " If I get yelled at because of you I'm going to throw a few balls at Koda." The bunny looked at me before it moved around in my arms. It then layed down and didn't move.

Are you kidding me?!. Now I have a ball of fluff in my arms and I don't want to wake it. I sighed as I lay back down on my bed. Laying the bunny on my stomach. I sigh as I closed my eyes and feel asleep. " Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. I'll go visit mom after school tomorrow." I muble as I fall asleep. Still in my uniform.

Koda (pov)

I can't find them anywhere. I asked almost everyone. And they gave me the same answer. " Sorry Koda we haven't seen your bunny today." I sighed as I walked though the last floor. Maybe they made there way up here. I walk by Mineta's room and stop. I look down to see bunny footprints. I look at Mineta's door to notice it opened a bit. He must have forgotten to close it when he got in. So I'm going to guess that's where they are. I sighed as I quickly open Mineta's door and walked in. Closing it behind me. And much to my surprise. There they were. Laying on Mineta's stomach. I sigh as I quickly go to pick them up. I huffed as they have attached them selfs to Mineta's uniform.

I stop and look at them. I got to say. Mineta with animals is cute. " Ok now how and why are you in Mineta's room." I spoke down to the bunny. They looked at me as they responded. Well you lefted the door open. And I could tell his was sad so I followed him into the elevator and into here." I sigh. I sometimes glad I'm the only one here who can talk to animal. " Wait Mineta was said what about?" I spoke as I sit down on Mineta's floor. " Don't know. But he seam really said.

He even started to pack up his stuff." I quickly look around the room. It was almost completely packed up. Even his posters where gone. I would hear him and Kaminari talk about them some time. I wander what's wrong. " His phone will tell you" I look at the bunny and sighed. Animal's have a way of reading mind's. I sighed as I picked up Mineta's phone. He has a unread messages on the lock screen. ' Minoru I'll be picking you up this week. The hospital just called. Your moving with me ' my eyes widen. Mineta is moving. Where to?

I quickly grab Mineta's fingers. I know this is a invasion of privacy but I was to know what's going on.  I quickly unlock his phone with his finger print. I pull his phone up to my face to read it better.

" Minoru I got a call today from the hospital."

" Why are you texting me you Left a year ago. Stay out of my and moms life"

" Minoru your mother is in the hospital. She was rushed there this morning."

" Ok I'll head to the hospital then to check up on her. I'll just dech class."

"Minoru. Your mother may not leaving a nother day. I'f she gets better I'll let you know. But if she doesn't. You'll be coming home with me to USA.  I know of a few high schools down here"

" What no. I'm not going to the US. I love it here. This is my home!"

"Minoru what I said is final. I'm coming down to visit for a bit. If your mother is still unable to take care of you I will take you with me.


"Minoru I'll be picking you up this weekend. The hospital called. Your moving with me.

Mineta is leaving. I look over at Mineta. He was fast asleep. Something is wrong. I take out my phone as a alert goes off. ' keep a eye out for a older man . Last name Mineta. He was last seen leaving ????? hospital. His ex wife ?????? Mineta was just found dead in her hospital room.' me eyes widen. Mineta is in danger. I look at the bunny who is already running out the door. I look back at Mineta. I'm going to stay here and keep a eye on him. I quickly moved Mineta from his bed into my arms.

If anything happens I need to be able to run out of this room with him. I'm not going to let his father harm his like he did his mother.

Word count 1140 hehe

Minoru Mineta x Class 1A boys ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now