Koji Koda

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Holly Molly another chapter. I wondered what dose this chapter has for us today. 🛑⚠️🚧☣️☢️ Smut¡🛑⚠️🚧☣️☢️ Would you look at that! XD. But besides that I want to thank you guys so much for 11k reads on this book. It means so much to me that you guys enjoy reading my books. For those who don't know this book is going to end at 200 chapters. And then I will be setting up a new Mineta a book. As this book here sticks more toys "Cannon" and doesn't head into the fictional world that much. AKA mermaids witchs is vampires ecta. The next book I write will definitely base heavily around those facial things though. Anyways enjoy the chapter.


A few weeks ago everyone got turned into animals. And to say the least it was a big chaotic. But I'm kind of worried about one of my classmates. Ever since the animal transformation he hasn't been out of his room. I would have thought he would like to become an animal so he would understand his animal friends a lot better. But it's been 3 days since the transformation change us all back.

Even though it might be none of my business. I really feel like I should go check up on him. " Mineta well are you okay you just been staring out into the corner for a minute? " I quickly shake my head clearing my thighs. " Ya Denki I'm alright just a bit concerned and Koda is all. He's hasn't left his room." I look up at Denki as I responded to him. He looks at me confused for a minute before looking towards the elevator. He gets out a soft hum before he responds. " Yeah I guess you're right."

I quickly take a deep breath as I speak up. " I'm going to go check up on him feel free to join me if you wish." I quickly walked away towards the elevator. As I get to it I hear Denki  respond. " Now you got this Mineta I have something else to go do anyways. " I get off a soft chuckle before I speak out to him." Does that thing have purple hair with headjacks coming from their ears?" I quickly joked. His face went deep red as he quickly rushed out the door. I'll take that as a yes.

I quickly turn back around and walked into the elevator. Getting the third floor button. This is a good thing me and him have the same floor. Cuz right after I can go straight to my room and rest. Leans against the elevators wall as I take out my phone. I have a few new voice messages but nothing important. I should probably go back home one day to get a hair appointment done. Dad does cut hair really nice. The elevator doot quickly dings. I quickly put my phone away as the door is open. I then quickly walk out.

I quickly look around the hall before making a v-line street to Koda's door. The hall seems to be completely empty. Guess anybody else is out doing something today. Note to self I should check in with people to see what they're doing throughout the week. That way I know when I have the dorm room completely to myself. I continue walk to the end of the hallway . That's where Koda's room is. I quickly stopped outside and stop myself from knocking right away. As I hear weird noises from the other side.

Not so weird noises more of noises that I know of. And I only know these noises because of anime. " Come on please finish!" A loud groan appears from the other side of the door. " Maybe I shouldn't noke. Nor be here. He sounds quite busy... I said go away I hear another screech behind the door." Gab Damn it! "( O my gab Lumpy Space princesses is that you!) Sounds as if he irritated. I quickly turned away. As I walk away from his door it quickly open. "Mineta ? Did you need something?" His voice spoke out in a deep rath.

He sounds completely out of breath. I quickly turn around to look at him.  His upper Brow is full of sweats. And he looks like he may passed out in any second. "I was just going by to check up on you but you sounded busy." I quickly look away as I finish talking.  A soft Blush coated my cheeks. This is embarrassing. He didn't respond for a minute. I quickly go to walk away once more. But I'm quickly stopped when his hand grips my arm. " Mineta do you think you can help me with something?"

Minoru Mineta x Class 1A boys ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now