Neito Monoma

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Heyo so ya this is a 🚧☣️⚠️☢️🛑 this chapter has smut!! 🛑☢️⚠️☣️🚧 But I hope you enjoy this chapter .


One of these days I'm  going to kick my boyfriend's ass. I have been dating Kaminari for months now. Yes my best friend. And it was all because he was the only person to understand me. And the way I was. But the reason for me wanting to kick his ass is because he hasn't been talking to me.  For the past two weeks I haven't seen him at all. But everyone else has.

And four weeks ago I noticed him acting strange. He was slowly drifting away from me. And during that time I asked him about it every single day. But he kept ensuring me that everything was fine. But as of now I don't know how mines and is relationship stands. As me and him haven't talked in 2 weeks. But I was going to fix that today. I was told by everybody that he was sick it was up in his room. So I was going to bring him something to eat. Maybe some soup.

I quickly leave my room and head down to the common room. Once there I noticed almost everybody sitting around just talking. Only a handful of people were missing. I chose to annoy this and quickly make some soup. As I walk back to the elevator I hear Bakugo say something. " Kind of going to feel back from when he finds out." Weird. I chose to just roll my eyes and hop into the elevator. I wrote up to the second floor before the door opens. I quickly hopped out of the elevator and down to his room door.

I quickly took a deep breath. I go to Knock but stop when I hear talking on the other side. I didn't think anyone but me would want to get so close to him as he is sick. " Hehe I enjoy our time together Denki!" Sounded like Jirou. From what I know she was supposed to be out today. I was told she had a song she was supposed to perform today at the mall.  I hope I'm not disturbing her music. She mostly wanted an opinion on it. And Denki is the kindest person you'll ever meet. So there's no doubt he would help out.

I take a deep breath as I knock on his door. Five minutes later Denki opens the door. He didn't seem sick. He looks as if he just ran a Marathon. " Minoru love! It's good to see you!" I quickly look away as I speak up." Ya I brought you some soup. As I was told you were sick. But you look a lot better now." He quickly chuckled as he spoke up. " Ya I'm doing a lot better. But it's the thought that counts. But I better get going. Still have a bit more resting to do. "

I just nod my head as I hand him the soup." Tell Jirou I said hi. And I hope the song writing has been going well." He quickly gives me a confused look." Jirou is at the mail today." Is he lying to me. I know I just heard her talking to him. No more than five minutes ago. I quickly looked him up and down. I quickly noticed he wasn't dressed at all. I froze as I slowly backed up. " How... How long?" I ask. He looks at me confused before responding." What are you talking about Minoru?"

He gave me a confused look. Is this what Bakugo was talking about as I was leaving. And no one told me. A few tears fell down my face." How long have you been cheating on me!" I basically yell. He quickly looks away before responding." I don't know what you're talking about." I quickly look away as I run off. I hear him yell my name. But I don't listen as I run down the stairs. I'm not stupid. I quickly run past everyone and out the building. After a few minutes of running I bump into Monoma.

"Fuck grape head! What the hell is your.." Monoma speaks up but stops as he takes a look at me. " Are you crying?" He quickly responds to his seeing my face. I quickly try to pull away as I hear from yelling down the hall. "Mineta where are you! Please Kaminari needs to talk to you!" Monoma goes to say something but I quickly cover his mouth." Please I don't want to talk to him or any of them right now." I quickly splatted out. He looks at me confused before quickly picked me up in his arms .

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