Unwanted Attention

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Sunday morning could have been more cheerful if you weren't feeling so frantic. The crisp morning air made you shiver and pull your hands into your oversized sweater. "What do I do?!" You groan, head resting on Ace's shoulder as you both were at the lakeshore again.

It became a special place to both of you and would often end up there when you mindlessly walked around the campus grounds. The first time was when you and Ace found it; the rest of the time was when Kid would chase after you in a blinding rage.

You sighed at the memory and smirked. He had been dead set on killing you the entire week last week after your little...incident.

Ace grins, leaning his head sideways and resting it on top of yours. "Excited?" He muses, glancing down to see your reaction, and frowns after seeing your tensed expression.

"After that last date, I really don't want to screw up." You smile up at him, seeing his eyes widening and his lips curled back to fight back laughter. You snickered and touched your now fully healed eye, the eye patch was removed earlier and it didn't hurt anymore.

"You have any idea how hard it was to shower with a patch on?" You chuckle. Ace failed to hold in his laughter and had to cover his mouth to muffle it. You pouted at him with a childish glare.

He holds up his hands in defense but falls down on the ground laughing uncontrollably. You rolled your eyes with a small smile on your lips.

"I'm being serious, Ace!" You laugh, lightly hitting his arm as he clutched his chest trying to stop himself from hyperventilating. "What if I do something stupid again?!" You yell to the sky, because Ace was obviously no help right now.

"You never did anything stupid." Aze rumbles, smirking at the laughing young man beside you.

"Hey, Azazel, where have you been?"

"Shopping." He answers, voice full of sarcasm and you could almost see him roll his eyes at you.

You giggle. It's not like he could actually go anywhere on his own but he had been quiet yesterday. It made you wonder if he was just silently judging your friends the rest of the day.

Ace finally settled down and heavily exhaled in relief. His ribs must have hurt from all that laughing.

"Well don't worry too much, (Name)." Ace says this with a wide grin. "If I know my brother, he'll be the one worrying the entire date."

You immediately frown and poke your cheek. "Am I that bad of date material?" You joke. Ace shakes his head and positions himself beside you again, his head resting right on top of yours. You could feel his steady breathing as you press your body against his side.

"It took him a lot of confidence to finally ask you out." He murmurs, eyes slowly closing.

"What do you mean by finally?" You murmur as well, eye lids getting heavy from the bright sunlight reflecting from the lake water as it made you sleepy.

You were answered with silence.

After a moment, you move your head a little to see if Ace was asleep but found out that he wasn't. He was just staring at the water deep in thought. You decided to leave it alone and not push it.

By the time both stomachs screamed for food, you and Ace left the lake and headed for the school cafeteria.

The table you usually sat at had another occupant.

"Who is that?" You inquire, pointing at the direction of the handsome dark haired male wearing a fuzzy white hat with spots.

Ace looks to the direction of your finger and blinks. "I think that's the new guy Luffy was talking about." He shrugs. "Wanna go sit there or somewhere else?" He asks as he picked up two trays full of food. You scan the cafeteria while walking, holding your tray firmly, and spotting a familiar redhead sitting not too far away.

One Sided (Sabo x Reader) AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now