First Date 1/2

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Just so you all know, I will be splitting each day of your 3 day date into two parts.

Why, you ask?

Because I felt like it.




You woke up and the first thing you see is your calendar marked on Monday. Frowning sleepily, you glance at the desk beside you and turn off the buzzing alarm clock. You groan, muttering something about how Mondays suck, and trudged your way to the vacant bathroom.

Koala slept soundly in her bed with her hair wet and her clothes on. She must have woken up earlier and took a shower but fell asleep again.

You took off your clothes and frowned upon noticing the bandages on your hands. Oh...Right... You mutter to yourself inwardly and sigh as you decided to leave them on. The shower handle squeaked as your turned it on. Warm water rained down on your face and you began to soak your hair.

"I wonder if Ace is okay..." You mumble dejectedly. A familiar voice yawned and you smile a bit. "Hey Azazel."

The voice smirks at you and sighed. "I see you're a sight for sore eyes." He rumbles thoughtfully.

After everyone had left to their own rooms yesterday, you couldn't fall asleep and ended up talking to Aze in your head, slowly crying yourself into a deep and troubled slumber. No matter how much he assures you that it wasn't your fault that Ace got into trouble, you wouldn't stop crying.

So he came into your dreams last night. You didn't want to admit it but seeing him again was the best solace for you at the moment. Aze suddenly chuckles, making you jump in surprise and bring you back from your thoughts. "(Name)?" Aze snickers.


"You know that you already had three shampoos, right?"

You stop washing your hair and frown. "Oh."

Washing the suds from your hair and body, you dry yourself off with a towel and carefully removed the wet bandages, silently walking to your closet. Koala was still asleep on her bed. You closed the closet door behind you and flicked on the light. From the top of the pile was your (favorite band) shirt and you picked it up, smiling to yourself at the memory.

"Shouldn't you be wearing something...prettier?" Aze suddenly speaks up. You frown, facing the ceiling since you couldn't actually see his face.

"What do you mean?" You inquire, slowly putting down the shirt and looking for something that Aze would see as "prettier".

"Well it's just that you dressed up rather nicely for that square-nosed guy..." He pauses and trails off. You could feel him frown from inside your head.

"Yeah, so?" You sigh at the embarrassing memory of that kiss.

You could feel Aze frowning deeper, almost scowling at you with an unimpressed look. "Did you seriously forget what today is?"

His voice sounded really annoyed for some reason. You thought for a bit and shake your head. "It's Monday, right?" You answer bluntly. You could hear a smacking sound, which means Aze probably gave himself a hard facepalm.

"You are unbelievable." He grumbles. You were starting to get annoyed by his attitude and scoff at him. Not only did you now hate Mondays but Aze was making things more complicated for you to like them. "What is with you today, Aze?" You huff, putting on a white blouse and black leggings. You took the pink pearl necklace from the hook at the back of the closet door and draped it over your head.

One Sided (Sabo x Reader) AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now