Stop having fun and start worrying!

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*Author's POV* --> that'd be me, darlings
The blonde laughed hysterically at the sight he never dreamed of seeing. There on stage was his brother, the same man who used to be uncaring and aggressive, dancing to a Korean song that was known to be popular in the normal realm. What made it funnier was that he even wore the sunglasses to match with the song. It was priceless!

Monet rolled her eyes in annoyance, he was completely ignoring her now. If there was one thing she hated then it was to be ignored. Taking out his phone from his pocket, he recorded the scene on video. "(Name) would love this!" He laughed.

Ace growled, seeming to have heard him, and threw a death glare. His tux was too big for his ten year old body so he had to struggle with his footing as he danced. He was seriously going to kill Doflamingo for this!

Tha raven haired man bounced like a horse on two legs and crossed his wrists against each other as the singer in the music kept repeating "Gangnam Style" for what seemed like the billionth time throughout the entire three minutes. Sabo cried from laughing so much, his hand holding the phone was shaking hard.

Once the song ended, Doflamingo grinned mischievously at the victim of his amusement, clicking a button on the stereo for another song to play.

[Song cue: Wrecking Ball]

The sound of repeating piano chords boomed from the speakers and Ace paled while Sabo fell off his chair laughing. "HELL NO AM I DANCING TO THAT SHIT!!!" He protested in anger, throwing a shoe at the pink clad man.

"It's part of the punishment, Ace." Doflamingo frowned, trying his best to look serious.

As the lyrics poured out into the song, Ace's head was lighting up fire. The husky voice of a woman sang and he could just picture out the image of the music video in his mind.

From the crowd of onlookers, Corazon walked over to Doflamingo to ask him to stop torturing the poor boy. Instead he tripped over absolutely nothing but air and started crashing into tables, trying to regain his balance. Monet stared as the clumsy fool fell into the buffet table again, his butt catching on fire from sitting on the plate of flaming chicken liver.

"I'm surrounded by weirdos." She remarks with a scoff.

Sabo tries to regain his composure, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. Monet frowned, when it comes to men, she was expecting a little something else for them to offer.

Doflamingo chuckled at seeing Ace dance to the music, his fingers moving like a puppet master as he controlled the boy with his strings. Ace shouted profanities at the man while twerking and swaying his hips, swinging a sledgehammer that his now most hated person on the entire planet provided for him.

It was a rare sight indeed to see him strut on the stage, posing with his prop with an murderous expression. "Is he vogueing right now?!" Sabo said between laughs as he held his aching chest. If this wasn't going to stop soon then his rib cage would break from laughing.

"Fufufu! This is very entertaining." Doflamingo nods with satisfaction. He turned his head when the sound of heavy footsteps neared him from the shadows. "Oh, Dragon? You seem so serious. Come on! This is a party, isn't"

"I have ordered Tom to prepare for a lock down." He cuts him off, giving him a look that could only show anger and worry, "A government agent attacked a student."

Doflamingo's fingers stopped moving, causing Ace to halt mid-twerk, his eyes staring wide eyed in disbelief. "How is that possible?! No government officer of any sorts has ever found Devil Fruit Academy!"

"Tell that to the girl in the infirmary, I already sent Kureha to check on her." Dragon sighed.

"We need to make sure every academy student is within the perimeter before we can activate the barrier." Mihawk informs the two as he casually walked up to them. He glanced at the boy on stage and raised an eyebrow at Doflamingo, "This is what you call punishment? Honestly, you are the most ridiculous school owner I have ever met."

A tick appeared on Doflamingo's forehead and he sneered at the man, but before he could make a comeback, Dragon cleared his throat. "The students?" He reminds him.

"Alright, alright." His white horn rimmed sunglasses glinted as he throws Mihawk a look before walking up on stage. He releases Ace from his strings and grabs the microphone on stage, tapping on the instrument three times to get everyone's attention.

"Yes, hello. Dragon told me that a girl was attacked by someone from the government. We'll be on lock down for a while until the matter is solved. That is all." He places the microphone back on the stick and waits for any reactions.




"Music to my ears~" Doflamingo mused at the screams of panic throughout the courtyard.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dragon scolded.


At Doflamingo's news of an injured student, panic began to set in and whispers of terror filled the air.

Sabo, unfortunately, was not able to hear this as he was busy dealing with another matter. "Mm...You taste nice~" Monet chirped as she pulled her tongue out from his mouth, a trail of saliva connecting their lips like a bridge.

All senses went numb and his face turned into a million shades of red all at once. He turned into a stuttering mess of a fool, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. His mind searching for words, any words, to form out of his mouth.

What was he doing? He has a girlfriend!


Monet blinked, stunned from the sudden outburst of the brunette as she smacked her partner continuously on the head while cursing like a sailor. "Cheater!! Despicable!! How could you do this?!" Koala yelled after each strike while the recipient of her punches blocked them with his arms.

"While (Name) is unconscious in the infirmary, you were making out with Monet?" Vivi gasped, horrified.

As your name left her lips, he lifted his head to look at the bluenette. She gave him a sad look and averted her eyes from his, confirmation of what she had just blurted out couldn't be any more clearer than that.

The door to the infirmary smelled like smoke, an orange hue circled at the center, leaving the dark brown wood with scorch marks at the edges of the giant hole that had burned through the middle.

The entire room fell silent as the mortified blonde stared at the girl lying on the bed.

Her closed eyes made it looked like she was sleeping peacefully but the bandages that Kureha were currently replacing on her head spoke for itself.

Sabo felt a flurry of negative emotions swell up in his chest: anger, sadness, pain being the only one he could name out.


That was the only thing on his mind now, nothing else mattered anymore.

One Sided (Sabo x Reader) AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now