You gotta be kidding

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You guys sure have weird reasons for voting this guy xD
You stood in front of the mirror trying desperately to fix your hair as strands of it stuck out like needles. Koala laughs and grabs a can of hairspray, spraying your wild untamed mane and brushing it into place. "You look absolutely beautiful, (Name)!" She whistles in satisfaction.

Nervousness was the only thing on your mind but the memory of your sweet make out session with Sabo earlier that afternoon made your face flush bright pink. "I hope I don't do anything stupid in front of my partner. That'll be so embarrassing!"

"Relax, (Name). Remember that students are suppose to bond with people they barely know in the school." She rubs your shoulders and giggles. "It's not like we're going to make out with our partners. But, of course, if Sabo was your partner then that's totally okay." She laughs loudly at the look of embarrassment of your reflection.

You puff out your cheeks and dragged the laughing Koala out the door. Several other girls lined up in the dorm's lobby as they each placed a shoe in a big velvet box. Unstrapping your shoe from your foot, you dropped it in the box and took a seat in the waiting area with the others.

Nami was chatting with Ms. Nico about all the money she had earned from the festival. You look to your left and noticed that Monet sat beside you, her bright amber eyes looked bored as she sat quietly in her seat with Sugar. Koala took a seat across from you and waved.

Once all the girls placed one of their shoes in the box, Ms. Nico sprouted an arm on the door and twisted its knob. The first boy enters and the straw hat on his head made it all too clear who he was. As he dipped his hand in the box like he was told, he fished out a dark green slipper and looked at each of the girls' feet. Upon spotting the matching slipper on Sugar's foot, he came over and picked her up from her chair. "Yosh! LET'S GOOOOooo!!" He shouts as he runs out the door that Ms. Nico opened for him.

All remaining girls in the room sweat dropped.

You watch as the cycle continues with Ms. Nico opening the door and a single boy comes striding into the room. Resting your head in your hands, you patiently waited for your slipper to be picked out but that moment wasn't met with yet.

Law comes in the room looking as expectantly handsome as ever, he fishes out a pink slipper and cringes at someone's shriek. That someone was Jewelry Bonney. "Rotten luck!" She huffs as they both leave the room. You couldn't help but giggle at how Law looked like he was about ready to stab someone.

However the next man who walked in made your heart stop and your mouth clamp shut as he fishes out your (F/C) slipper. "Oh no..." You whimpered as his eyes widened at the sight of the matching one strapped to your foot.

"You gotta be kidding me!!!" You and Kid scream in unison.

One Sided (Sabo x Reader) AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now