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A strong light from outside street lamps brighened the dark space, Jungkook's eyes snapping open in a flash. He whined, rubbing his eyes to wipe away the blur in his vision.

Immediately after he did that he hissed at the pain from the wound on his left cheek. His eyes snapped shut, his body yanking forward. Just now he realized how he slept and felt his whole body ache from his back to the tip of his toes.

With his whole willpower, arms placed steady on the hard dirty wooden ground, he tried to stand up. The pain prevented him from doing so, immediately falling back to the floor. He had to take deep breaths, crawling as fast as he could to his bed for help.

It hurt a lot more this fast but he wanted to be up as soon as possible. Taking the broken phone on the ground, he pushed the power button, clock showing 5 am.

It was too early for school, but judging his pain it will take more than two hours for him to even get ready.

Finally he stood up, seating himself on the bed. He felt like crying, but couldn't. His face would hurt even more. He spend half an hour thinking about last night's events, before waddling towards his room's door.

He opened it slowly, only his eye peaking trough the crack of his door. It was dead quiet, but he listened for a few minutes just so he doesn't get himself in trouble like the last time.

After a couple of minutes, he finally started limping down the hall towards the bathroom. He walked past the living room where both of his parents were passed out on the couch, snoring loudly.

He took a deep breath, opening the door to the bathroom, finally taking a good look at himself in the mirror.

The bags under his red eyes got worse. Messy oily hair from not being able to shower fell into his eyes.

The bruise on his face was dark red, running across his whole cheek. Dried blood was spread across his lips and his nose, the blood dripping down his chin. He turned on the tap and splashed his face with cold water, instant relief relaxing his muscles.

He closed his eyes and breathed in, relaxing into the cool on his face. His mind finally cleared up for a few seconds before that sharp pain hit again.

He knew washing his face forever won't solve the issue, but medicine was too expensive and he had to get to school soon. He turned off the tap after splashing his face with water a few more times.

He packed his school bag, grabbed his phone and beaten up headphones from the bedside table. He plugged them in, twisting them a few times, wrapping in over his phone to make them work.

6 am. He turned on The neighborhood songs and went out the door. The morning air was crisp, cold biting at his chapped lips.

The moon was still up, sky changing from dark blue to lighter blue and soft creme. The only sort of escape, outside. Even in a deep night he felt safer outside then inside of what is considered "home". It never was, it was only a house, never home.

He walked carefully, looking at the ground and his feet. He didn't dare looking up, listening to his song Playlist in peace. Only for a minute, before he felt a strange presence.

He finally looked up and around, nobody beside him, streets dead. The only thing he saw was a strange black car, it's lights turned off.

As he walked it followed him, and Jungkook knew it was no good. He tried to walk faster, only to speed up his tempo to a slight fast walk. As much as he tried he couldn't walk much faster nor run.

He tried to ignore the car, unplugging the earphones from his ears. The car sound stopped.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he took the chance to quickly walk away. Soon the car wasn't in his sight anymore, so he plugged his earphones back in. The school was in his sight, fear taking over his body.

Then he realized how much he feels the school so much more than some strange stalker following him. And the fact that he did have a stalker that is, meaning someone's interested in him.

In you? Please nobody likes you

Jungkook shook his head, swallowing the saliva that built up in his mouth, his palms sweaty even in the cold weather.

He reached the school gates, his body shaking. He felt like he was suffocating, trying to breathe but it was no use. He had to grab his chest, making sure he was breathing properly, his eyes tearing up.

He physically couldn't bring himself to walk into the hellhole and get beaten up with his classmates as well.

No, he couldn't. So he walked away. His scent strong, he could smell it himself. His body got hot, sweat piling up at his hairline.

Then it hit him like a truck, he forgot about his heat.

It usually didn't come by because of his terrible eating habits and a few contraception tablets he stole from his omega classmates.

He turned the song to its maximum volume, trying to ignore his problems. His phone buzzed, a notification popping up on the screen.

You're cute ;)

Jungkook stopped in his tracks, face heating up. Someone called him....cute? He couldn't believe this.

You're cute ;)

Sorry I think you got the wrong number...

Jungkook tapped his foot anxiously, a message popping up not a minute later.

I have a surprise for you cutie ;) Go back home to your room window

Jungkook didn't know if he should trust a random message, no he shouldn't trust it. But the pet names made his heart burst from happiness.

He had nothing to lose anymore, he just went home the same path he walked, completely forgetting about suspicious black car that followed him just before.

He got home, walking around the house to his bedroom window, his eyes snapping open wide.

It was a rose with a note attached to it with a nice dark red bow and a beautiful handwriting saying "for you" and a red heart. Jungkook gulped and looked around, his phone notifying him of another message.

Don't worry I don't bite ;) open the note

Jungkook took the pretty rose, still cautious of his surroundings. He opened the note, more beautiful calligraphy filling up the slightly thicker paper.

I noticed you seemed upset so I brought you a present 💕  Got you the prettiest one.

Not as pretty as you though


Jungkook shook his head, confused. Is it the present from the driver of the suspicious car?

Before Jungkook could take more time to admire the beautiful handwriting a cloth with some weird liquid was forced over his mouth and nose.

He didn't have the chance to turn back side his neck was held in place with a strong arm, his vision blurry. The pain he felt in his cheek from the force of the cloth over his nose didn't last long, everything becoming black.

Living Hell • TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now