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Heart pounding in his chest like some drums, who could've thought? He fell into a trap.

Heart wasn't the only thing pounding, it was also his head, massive headache making him groan tiredly. That's when he heard a sound, but no matter how hard he tried, everything was black.

"Yes sir I took care of him per your instructions. Yes he's conscious, we're ready to take him out."

This voice was unfamiliar to his ears, fast and clear. He started fearing for his life when he heard more of the conversation, the person behind the voice stating his decisions loud, as if he wanted him to know what was about to happen to him.

That's when finally, he saw light. Fresh air hit his lungs, the boy laying on the cold ground. His eyes opened slowly, being met with the ceiling.

Why is it so cold?

He wondered before he realized he was butt naked, from top to bottom all stripped out of clothes. As he realized he panicked and started trashing around.

"Ugh sir the kid's making a ruckus. Can't I just whack him to get him uncautious again?"

The voice, once again. Jungkook's eyes skimmed through the room, standing up impossible with all the tape digging into his skin, hands tied behind his back.

I'm gonna die, what do they wanna do? I'm sorry to anyone I've ever done anything to, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die.

"I DONT WANNA DIE, PLEASE ILL DO ANYTHING!" He yelled out feeling hot tears running down his face. It finally hit him as he realized the high possibility of being dug into with a knife or shot up with a gun.

He heard footsteps approaching him and he panicked once again, breathing increasingly difficult.

He then finally met the face of the voice.

A young man, presumably in his 20s, looking down at him with a bored expression.

"PLEASE! DONT KILL ME!" He cried out, sobbing desperately. The man wasn't amused.

"Damn kid chill I have no intention of killing you. I'd get killed if I killed you instead." He sighed but Jungkook wasn't buying these lies. How could this man who has him tied up like this would mean anything else.

"Look I know you don't trust me, that's fine. After this we'll probably never meet each other ever again."

Jungkook's eyes widened. That could only mean one thing.

"HELP NO! PLEASE DONT KILL ME!" He started screaming, the man clearly distraught and annoyed at the loud noise.

"No no wait I didn't mean like- I'd kill you! I meant that you're gonna get taken away anyway." He tried to calm the younger, this seemingly making him stop screaming. His scared eyes stared right into the man's dark ones.

He let out another sigh.

"You know, it's a scary world out there. If it wasn't you wouldn't be here of course." He tried to conversate.

Jungkook just listened quietly.

"You never know what's waiting out there. Do you know butterfly effect? That shits scary. If you did something differently then there would be a totally different outcome. Isn't that scary??" He said, Jungkook nodding cautiously.

The man seemed hyper. "You never know, maybe this outcome for you will be better than you'd imagine."

Those were the last words before he spinned 180° and started walking away.

Jungkook bit his lip, shivering as a cold breeze hit his exposed skin.

"Wait, why am I naked?"

The man stopped in his walk, turning back to Jungkook who was waiting expectedly.

"You're bout to make a show." He grinned, walking off into the dark.

Jungkook gulped, shivering on the ground. What do they wanna do??

Him being alone with his own thoughts was worse than having someone be on a call being shit on by their boss.

The silence made him feel crazy, giving him all the wrong ideas.

"Come on he's awake give him the blindfold."

"He's up next? Shit."

"Why the fuck do we have to kidnap? I wanna kill for once."

"Shut the fuck up and be glad you have a job."

Jungkook just listened quietly, scared any sound he makes might have them have him bleeding out.

He didn't know if he wants to see who's behind the voices or just shut his eyes and hope he won't get killed.

He insisted on looking in the end.

But that didn't last as he saw all of them wear a mask, like for a theater. Painted gold and black.

His lips quivered, more tears welling up in his eyes as all of them circled him and showed him a white piece of cloth.

"Don't worry, this will be over soon." They wrapped the cloth around his head, covering his eyes completely.

Jungkook panicked as he was picked up, dragged forcefully somewhere by two of the guys.

"No please...I dont wanna die I don't wanna die..." he murmured, tears streaming down his face. His head came up with the worst possible outcomes.

"Shit this won't do, look at all these bruises."

"Ya think someone will take him in this condition?"

"Yes, these fuckers care only about physique and face, why would they care about some scars?"

These fuckers? Face and physique? Does that mean-

They finally stopped moving. It was quiet. Too quiet.

"Hello?" He mumbled under his breath, terrified of the darkness. That's when the cloth fell off of his face, a bright light blinding him for a second.

An overwhelming scent of perfume hit his nostrils, his eyes still adjusting to the white light.

Expensive cologne? I've only ever smelled those in vip bars.

He looked over at the place, eyes wide and mouth agape. He immediately panicked, cold sweat running down his face. He wouldn't have imagined this even in his worst nightmares.

All eyes on him, watching him emotionlessly covered behind a mask.

Finally he realized what was going on, his whole body shaking.

He was being showcased.

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