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With Minho squad

"I'm not as clumsy as you all make me out to be!" Jeongin pouted as his Hyungs looked at him.

"Yes, you are!" Minho retorted as he was watching television.

"But I'm getting better! I haven't spilled anything on my bed in months!" Jeongin exclaimed.

"Um. I didn't realize what an accomplishment that is for you. I don't think I've ever spilled anything on my bed." Felix spoke out loud, deep in his thoughts.

"You don't understand Hyungs!" Jeong in said as he headed back into his room.

"What is happening with him? Is it just me or is Jeongin a little weird lately?" Felix questioned.

"I will try to talk to him later," Minho responded, still hooked on the serial show.

"GUYS!!" Hyunjin shouted when he entered the living room. Felix looked at Hyunjin with anticipations.

"I got the information about the competition finally.. and the videos of the participations company chosen!" Hyunjin jumped at the couch, showing them his tablet.

"I bet they are so talented! Show me!!" Felix talked excitedly and sat next to Hyunjin.

But as Hyunjin was about to play a video, Jeongin doors opened. He walked out of his bedroom and grabbed the paper towel. They all looked at him.

" I don't want to talk about it," Jeongin spoke, obviously extremely upset.

"Are you alright, Innie?" Felix asked.

"You promised to talk to us when you feel sad or upset!"

"Is it not that..." Jeongin sighed and went to sit between his Hyungs.

"Well... I... Umm. How do I explain it?.."

"It's alright, take your time... We can wait," Minho smiled, to assure him that they are there for him.

"I can't describe this feeling. It's just him. When I see him I feel butterflies in my stomach and my face feels so hot. He looks so handsome and adorable. I didn't even meet him properly but yet I really want to see him. And I hate how sweet, funny and nice he is or how happy and comfortable I feel around him. His tweet about me are so sweet and I want to know about him more... I don't know what to do anymore. I thought about texting him for the past few days but I don't know how... What should I do, Hyungs?" Jeongin couldn't stop his tears from coming. He didn't even know why was he crying right now.

"It's alright, don't cry," Hyunjin hugged his younger friend as soon as he saw the tears. Felix went in right away, petting Jeongin's head.

"It looks like our little Innie has a crush!" Minho giggled and went to join their hug too.

"It's alright to feel like this," Felix finally spoke.

After Jeongin calmed down, they proceeded to watch videos of Hyunjin's talented fans.


Baby Changbin is Dark🖤

Who is talking shit behind my back, I have been sneezing for the past 2 hours?

Probably Seungmin.


Maybe Jeongin is

Very funny...

I bet he saw the photo with your abs!


I got you!! MUAHAHAHA

I hate it here



I have been trying to write some lyrics, but I need help!
What's a word that's a mix between sad and mad?

Disgruntled or miserable
And desolated might fit too





Changbin-Hyung! I think Seungmin is mad at me.

What why?

Well, he sent me a text starting with "Don't you think it's funny how"

...Yup, you are screwed.

Nevermind, it was a false alarm.

It's nice to know that you will live another day.



⌨︎ A/N:
I wrote another chapter! :D I'm sorry it took so long.
I saw some incorrect quotes and I thought it fits into the story❤️

I hope you have an amazing day<3 Please, don't forget to eat and drink and sleep properly❤️🫰 Stay safe out there~💖

I love all of you~🫶♥️


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