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(Seo Changbin)

I just arrived to work. It's currently 13:58. I had two minutes to change my clothes. My shift began about 14:00 and Chan's already began two hours ago. I ran upstairs so we wouldn't be late, but that's impossible.

I finally changed to our work clothes and went down. There weren't so many people right now. I hope it'll stay like this. But that's quite impossible too.

Chan is Cook and I'm a Waiter or Barista, I'm both. I sighed and leaned about the bar counter. I wasn't feeling like talking to someone. I let out a deep sigh. I felt like a shit!!

There wasn't anybody so I took my phone. I turned on mobile data. I got some notification from Twitter, so I opened the app and look at the tweets.


🔔New Tweet notification for Felix✔︎ and 5 others


You won't believe what happened today!! Me and my two friends were in the shop earlier and there was one man...
He asked me: "What will I cook?" I think he asked me because there wasn't anybody else🤔
I said: "Chicken!" and he ran away🐔

02:57 PM • 03 Mar 20
52K retweet 126.8K likes

Felix✔︎ @Lee_Felix00
And that same person had a fight with one of my friends because of a bag of chips...😂
Minho✔︎ @LeeMinho
Reply to @Lee_Felix00
Because? It is my favorite chips!! And there was the last one!!😠😠
User5 @user5
Reply to @LeeMinho
That person is really rude!!
⤷User8 @user8
Reply to @user5
What?? That person just wanted chips! You're the rude one!!

♡。Daddy Material。♡ @LeeKnows
Reply to @Lee_Felix00
I'm so f*cking sorry..😭😭😲
Sungie @PrinceHyunjin
Reply to @LeeKnows
Hyung? Aren't you at work?? Why are you on your phone??😑🤨
⤷Min @Felixie
Reply to @LeeKnows
Why are you sorry?? And why are you on the Felix twitter account? I will tell Hyung that you're using a phone at work!!
⤷♡。Daddy Material。♡ @LeeKnows
Reply to @Felixie
Oh! I'm sorry!!😖 I will buy you a Chicken!!
⤷Min @Felixie
Reply to @LeeMinho
Make it two and we're settled....
⤷♡。Daddy Material。♡ @LeeKnows
Reply to @Felixie
Okie ^•^
Sungie @PrinceHyunjin
Reply to @LeeKnows
You just casually ignored me?!😢
Sungie @PrinceHyunjin
Reply to @Felixie
I want Chicken too🥺
User7 @user7
Reply to @LeeKnows
I totally live for them🥺😂
User13 @user13
Reply to @user7
Yea! Why stan idols when you can stan their fans!!😂🤚

I turned off my data and started paying attention to the work.

"I f¡cking met Minho-ssi!!" I whispered to myself.

"I think I will jump to my ditch!!" I was trying, be calm but it was hard!!

╚»★«╝ 5m ╚»★«╝

"Changbin-ah!! Can you go serve the table 7? There are four people!" one of my colleagues asked me.

"Uh! Of course!!' I smiled and took the four menus and I left to the table. I just hope nothing bad happens!!

"Good evening, what would you like to order?" I said while handing the menus. Wait!! I started in shock, these people are!! Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and... MINHO-SSI!!

'Are you kidding me, world??' I asked in my mind.

'I hope they actually won't recognize me!' I started praying in my head!

"I will have baked potatoes with chicken!" Jeongin ordered.

'Light cheesecake with strawberry sauce!' Hyunjin ordered. Jisung favorite food is cheesecake... Why I just remembered that?

'I want that baked potatoes with chicken just like Innie!!' Felix said.

"I will have pancakes with chocolate syrup and strawberries!" Minho ordered.

"Isn't that a little sweet on dinner, Minho-Hyung??" Felix asked him.

"Maybe I want a sweet dinner!!" Minho said.

"You can go!" Hyunjin said with an uneasy smile on his lips. I just casually took menus and left to get their order.

"Chan!!!! Minho-ssi, Hyunjin, Felix, and Jeongin are here!" I immediately told him when I entered the kitchen.

"Wh-" he started choking on his water... I should come after he drank his water.

"Are you alright?!"I asked him, weakly hitting his back.

"Yes!! Why are they here??" Chan asked me.

"Really?? What should they do here? Um! Let me think.... Hmmm... Maybe they are just hungry!! You know!!" I sarcastically said.

"Okay!! You don't must be salty!! What did they order then?' Chan sighed.

"Jeongin and Felix want baked potatoes with chicken!
Hyunjin wants light cheesecake with strawberry sauce!
And Minho wants pancakes with chocolate syrup and strawberries!!" I said.

"You can remember orders, also from last month but you can't remember Jisung birthday??" Chan looked at me.

"What?? When did I forget his birthday?! I just didn't have time to buy him a present, so I played that I forget his birthday... But I bought him a present!! I brought him a hoodie with a picture of a squirrel on it..." I spoke fast.

"Firstly, why did you thought, it would be a good idea to play that you forget his birthday?? You could tell him!! He would understand!! Secondly, do you even a breath??" Chan said while preparing orders.

"I don't know why I did that!! I'm stupid that's why!! And I think... I'm breathing!" I said.

"Here are your orders!!" Chan said.

╚»★«╝ 10m ╚»★«╝

"Alright!!" I took all 4 plates of food and left.

"Here are your orders!!" I said, placing food in front of them.

"Enjoy your meals!!" I said to them. I turned to the left!

"Wait!! You remind me of someone! Do I know you??" Minho said.

"Um! I don't think so!" I uneasily laughed.

"Are you sure??"

"Yes! Enjoy your meal!!" I wished them and left with a speed of light.

"F¡ck!!" I entered the staff restroom. I was breathing heavily. Calm down!! I rinsed my face with cold water.

"I'm OK! Just he is here" I cheered myself even when I obviously wasn't OK!
I should be happy! I just met my celebrity crush and his best friends... Two times in one day-

⌨︎ A/N:
I hope you enjoyed this chapter🥺 And I hope you have an amazing day😁💕

Love you~❤️


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