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Most people choose Hot Felix...
I hate you all!😭😭

07:30 AM • 03 Mar 20
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User11 @user11
Reply to @Felixie
But- You're soft stan😬😭
Min @Felixie
Reply to @user11
I know!!😭

User2 @user2
Reply to @Felixie
Minnie will have a Hot Felix on profile picture...😂😂 WOW-
Min @Felixie
Reply to @user2
I hate you~😭

User7 @user7
Reply to @Felixie
Min @Felixie
Reply to @user7
Whyyy are you so evil?😭

The new profile photo:

The new profile photo:

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(Seo Changbin)

"Argh!" I was walking back home because our class was canceled today. Couldn't they just tell us yesterday? Or did they? I didn't pay attention to the class...
But Seungmin and Jisung have school! I laughed mischievously to them even when they can't see them.

Me and Chan have a night shift, so I decided to take school books home. And I will go to the shop. I stopped in front of our house.
I stepped inside and go to my room. I threw my bag to bed and take another bag. I checked if I have everything. Wallet, mobile, and keys. I took my mask and give it on my face.

I went to the Chan room if he wants to go too. When I opened the door, I saw Chan sleeping. Oh my gosh! Chan is finally sleeping. I quietly closed the door.

╚»★«╝ Later ╚»★«╝

"Hmm! What will I cook?" I asked myself.

"Chicken!" someone said next to me. I got startled. The person was really close.

"O-Oh" I ran away. I stopped in the section of chips. Should I take something?

I saw my favorite chips, a there was the last one. I NEEDED THEM!!!! I wanted to take them, but when I caught them, someone caught them too.

"I saw them first!" the person spoke first. That voice reminded me of someone...

"Hah! I touched them first!" I didn't give up.
We started fighting for the last bag of chips.

In the end, someone came and said: "Minho-Hyung! We're going to pay!! Let's go!!!"

"You won this time but that was the last time!'"

'Last time?! He doesn't want to see me next time!!' I snorted.

The boy released the chips and that was the moment when I saw his face. After my heart decided to skip a beat and then started beating really fast I blushed hard. Even when the person had a mask and sunglasses I knew it was him. My celebrity crush...


I'm currently having a mental breakdown... I need a hug please :((

08:24 AM • 03 Mar 20
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*Replies are closed for this tweet*


In the end, I somehow calmed and went finishing shopping.

I took
Italian seasoning
Lemon juice
White wine vinegar

We have sugar, salt, pepper, and olive oil at home, I think... I hope!! Let's go home. 😐

╚»★«╝ At home ╚»★«╝

I gave shopping bags on the table.

I went to check a Chan. He was still sleeping. I smiled and left in the kitchen.

Chan normally doesn't sleep a lot so when he sleeps we let him sleep. I know how it feels, I'm an insomniac.

╚»★«╝ Afternoon ╚»★«╝

I already had cooked couscous.

I started placing food on the plates and put them on the dining table.

I started placing food on the plates and put them on the dining table

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"We're home!" Jisung screamed. I slap myself in my mind. They came to the kitchen.

"Food!" exclaimed Jisung and ran to the dining table. Seungmin came right behind him and sat to the table.

Also after 5 minutes, Chan came, he was a little sleepy. They sat at the table too.

"What's this?" What's Seungmin.

"This is couscous!" I said and smiled at him.

"We have a night shift, so I left couscous in the fridge for dinner! Just heat it in the microwave... It's easy! Understand? Seungmin any metal cutlery inside!! Jisung don't even try to cook something else!" I asked them. They two nodded.

"Alright! Enjoy your meal!" I wished them and we started eating our lunch...


⌨︎ A/N:
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. My baby Changbin, I'm so sorry🥺😭💕 I hope you had an amazing day❤️

Love you~❤️


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