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(Seo Changbin)

Changbin had never been mad like that in his life.
It is true that sometimes he hit his friends for fun. However, he never uses any force or just pretends to hit them.

He felt angrier with himself, for failing to be there for his friend when he needed him. And that fucking jerk was still grinning like nothing happened. It was probably his ugly face that provoked Changbin to hit him.

When Changbin's fist touched the jerk's face, it is safe to say that he really did lose control.

The jerk eventually lost his balance, tripped, and fell to the ground. And obviously, his friends didn't like it since one of them attacked Changbin right away.

Changbin was able to stop him from hitting him by catching his fist. The boy shoved Changbin, whose back then slammed against the lockers.

Luckily he dodged the boy's punch before he could hit his face. He then managed to kick the boy away from himself.

He didn't expect to get knocked to the ground after being punched by the other guy.

For a second he thought, he was fucked up, but someone grabbed a guy by the hair and forcefully throw him to the ground.

These idiots stopped attacking and just ran away. Changbin was puzzled and didn't understand why they ran until he turned to find, the well-known, and very attractive, Lee Minho holding out a hand for him.

At that moment, Changbin's brain shut down and he couldn't process anything. It was like the world was playing in slow motion and everything went quiet.

"Are you alright?"

How on earth is he speaking without saying anything? Changbin started panicking.

Changbin took Minho's hand and with his help, he stood up.

"I..." his words didn't come out, his mouth remained open.

"Oh My God! Minho-Hyung? Are you alright? We heard that you got into a fight! Are you hurt?" thankfully, Changbin was rescued by Felix. He grabbed the chance and took off running when Minho wasn't looking.

He couldn't face the stunning Lee Minho after he lost his temper. Over the fact that someone threw trash at his friend.

It wasn't that big of a deal but it made Changbin explode with rage. Because it wasn't the first time it happened.

Changbin couldn't properly describe his feelings, he was embarrassed and just wanted to pass out. But at the same time, he was still mad.

"It wouldn't be difficult for me to just jump from a bridge or under a train right now," he slumped on the ground.

After another few minutes of regret, his phone rang with Seungmin's name. And he picked right away.

"Oh, Minnie. Why ar-"

"Are you crazy? You got into a fight??"

"But it was-"

"What if you get kicked out of college?!"

𝙰 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 // • 𝑺𝑲𝒁 𝑻𝑾 𝑨𝑼/𝑻𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑨𝑼 •Where stories live. Discover now