Across the Room

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"THATS A WRAP ON SEASON FIVE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" Joe screamed in the mic. The jokers always had small more intimate wrap parties with their crew but this one was bigger then ever.

"I can't believe how many people are here in this room right now! It's insanity" Murr turned to the men and said with excitement.

The room was filled with loved ones all around the men which left them booming in excitement.

As they left the stage they were greeted by a mob of people. shaking hands and hugging everyone that greeted them.

The men quickly went to meet and greet their families. Joe went over and kissed Bess on her head. Murr hugging his parents and sister. Brian was standing over with him arm around his mom talking to his dad.

Brian was panning the room as his eyes landed on Sal with his family. He stood there with his dad, mom, step mom, his sister Jenna, and his gaze connected right onto someone from his past. She was laughing with a drink in her hand. Her dark long hair was perfectly waived as it clung to her olive colored skin.

It had been over a year since he saw that face last. She turned her head catching him staring. She let out a small yet soft smile towards the man before quickly going back to her conversation.

He turned his back towards the girl trying to be nonchalant.

Later in the evening the men all migrated to the bar area. Sitting there chatting and talking to the oncomers of people who came up to them congratulating them on another season.

Brian's eyes were caught again. This time outside on the patio. The girl with the olive skin stood outside leaning on the railing while looking at the city lights.

He ordered another drink before He excused himself from the men explaining he needed some fresh air.

Making his way to the back of the venue he took a deep breath as he opened the patio door. The breeze was blowing through the girls hair as the the last few weeks of fall clung on.

He quietly walked up next to her

"Beautiful night huh" he said as he leaned next to the railing beside her.

"Yeah I forgot how great New York was this time of year" she said nervously taking a sip of her cocktail.

"How's your visit going?" Brian asked while stirring his drink trying to avoid eye contact with the girl.

"Actually it's not a visit. I'm actually back for good" she said clearing her throat at the question.

He was confused. Last he knew of the girl was that she had moved to Texas, met the man of her dreams, and supposed to be getting married on New Year's Eve .

"Oh so you and Matt got a place here?" He didn't want to know the actual answer to this question but he had to ask.

"No. Just me." She responded. He could hear the hurt in her voice "Austin was wonderful and I loved it but there's nothing left for me there." She said trying to be strong.

"Im sorry I had no idea." He responded. He felt like an asshole for even bringing it up.

"Brian it's okay. You had no idea. Most don't know the details. I really wasn't expecting you to know either." She said turning her head towards him. His long hair blowing in the wind.

"Well" he said looking into her eyes "you look radiant tonight Tessa." He said with a smile as he turned around and headed towards the door.

The night went on and the alcohol kept flowing. The next thing Brian knew was he was on the dance floor. Now Brian was by no means a dancer but he was at a new level of drunk tonight. They had worked their butts off on the show and he wanted to let loose.

He spotted a familiar face in the crowd. He pulled her in close And started dancing with her. She was giggling drunk herself.

"I am beyond wasted" he whispered into her ear laughing.

She smiled at the man nodding and agreeing "I'm so drunk it's stupid" she said covering her mouth while laughing .

His arms were wrapped around her hips as he swayed to the music with her. It felt like yesterday that they were in this exact same position many years ago. She looked Brian in the face right into his eyes. He couldn't resist her hazel eyes. They had specks of green and a slight hint of blue in them.

He leaned into the girls ear "You wanna get out of here?" He whispered.

She nodded as he grabbed her hand first it was so he could keep his balance but then the all too familiarity of his hand intertwined in hers felt right.

He waived down a cab and opened the door for the girl. Once she got in he went to the other side of the cab and entered. He quickly gave the driver his address. He took the girls hand again rubbing his thumb on the top of her hand. She was looking down at his hand and slowly looked up at Brian who was gazing at her.

"What are we doing Brian?" She said as he slowly leaned in. His lips meeting hers. She reached and put her hand on the back of his neck pulling him in harder. They kept kissing for the remainder of the cab ride. Getting more and more aggressive with each other until they were stopped abruptly by the driver "hey guys were at your stop" he said while peering into the rear view mirror at them. They both quickly composed themselves as Brian paid the driver and they exited.

They walked up the brownstone steps hand in hand as Brian fumbled around his jacket pocket looking for his keys. When he retrieved them he unlocked the door to his apartment building.

"You sure you wanna go up." He said while holding the door. Tessa walked right past Brian giving him the go.

When Tessa woke up the room was spinning. She slightly leaned forward trying to make sense of the unfamiliar room she was in when she heard a groan next to her. Brian was there dead asleep with the blanket draped over him.

She leaned over quietly to the side table to check the time. Her phone said 6:09 am. She knew she had to get out of there. She slowly and stealthy arised from the bed collecting her belongings and slowly leaving the bedroom. She quickly got dressed in the hallway as she approached the front door one of Brian's hoodies was on the coatrack. She put it on and zipped it up before exiting the apartment.

Once outside she had to get her bearings of the area. Her head was throbbing and she was still trying to fully wake up. She realized that she was only a couple blocks away from her place and headed home during her walk of shame.

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