48 hours of hell

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Tess was awoken the next morning by the sounds of mens voices and things being moved. She sat up in bed confused and got out of bed. She put on her robe and walked out of the room to find all four men standing in the extra room in Brian's apartment.

He was using this room as storage mostly for his comic books and action figures but scanning the room Tessa noticed they were getting put into boxes. The men didn't notice her standing there. She felt anxiety building up in her chest.

"What's going on here?" She said interrupting the men. "Oh man I'm sorry babe we didn't mean to wake you" brian said walking over and giving her a kiss on her forehead. She hadn't seen any of the men since the wrap party besides Sal but Tess hasn't faced her brother since she found out she was pregnant. Sal walked over and embraced his sister in a big hug.

"Hey sis, I'm sorry about my initial reaction." He said facing his sister. "You know I love you and support you." He said before Joe and Murr came over and hugged and congratulated Tessa. Still confused at things in Brian's room going into boxes she finally asked "so does someone want to fill me in here?" Peering her eyes at Brian.

Brian excitedly started giving the explanation "so I figured this could be the nursery. We could put a crib here and a crib here, dresser would go here, and changing table over here. I think next weekend we can work on the bedroom so we can make room for your stuff" He said moving around the room to show her the places he was thinking of. She was taken back.

Brian and her never discussed their living situation. So the fact that Brian just assumed she would move in irked her. She forced a smile and started nodding as she looked around "yeah sounds great."

She shortly excused herself using the excuse that she had to work on her teaching plans. After about an hour the men left and Brian joined Tess in bed. Tess was cold towards Brian when he came in the room. He put his hand on her thigh and she shrugged it off. Brian was confused and looked over at the girl. She had glasses on and her laptop on the bed along with notebooks sprawled around.

"You okay?" He said noticing she was acting off. "I'm fine Brian." She said trying to avoid the conversation and trying to act like she was too busy to talk. "You don't seem okay" Brian said still pressing the subject. She slammed her notebook on the bed. "What the hell Tess what's going on?" Brian was growing annoyed with her behavior and lack of communication of what was bothering her.

"Because Brian you just assumed I'm moving in. You didn't even ask me or talk to me about this. You just started clearing out your extra room." Brian stared at the girl blankly. "Why wouldn't you move in" she was growing more and more annoyed with Brian at this point "because what if I wanted us to live at my place! Or what if I thought it was better for us to live apart."

Brian looked mad and puzzled at this whole conversation "what are you talking about? You have a one apartment. And for the second point I don't think you really even want that." She took off her glasses angry at him now "how do you know what I want?! Have you asked me?!"

Brian was starting to match her tone and energy "Tess you have been staying here basically since we made the decision to have the babies. I don't think it was outlandish to think that you'd be moving in." Brian said defending his actions. "So again you admit that you just assumed that you knew what was best for me?" Tess said now getting out of the bed standing over Brian who was still sitting in the bed.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Is this you or is it the hormones talking now?" Her mouth dropped. Offended by what was coming out of his mouth "don't you dare accuse this of just being pregnancy hormones."

Brian arised from the bed now "you know what Tess I don't have time for this shit. You go calm down I gotta get ready to podcast tonight." He said waving her off "of fucking course. Just go to redbank I'll go stay at my own place tonight" Brian turned around standing in the bedroom doorway "you know what. You do what you gotta do Tess." He said turning back around and before Tess knew it she heard the apartment door slam.

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