Austin on my mind

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It was two years prior.

The guys were in Austin filming on location. They had just finished Brian's punishment at the rodeo. The guys went back to their hotel to clean up before heading out on the town. They met up by the elevator before going down to the main lobby. As the elevator door opened Sal started beaming as he saw the short olive skinned girl standing by a pillar.

"Hey munchkin!" He said going to bear hug his sister. "Pal!" She said squealing in excitement. When she was little she would call him Pal because she had a hard time saying S words. "Have you shrunk" he said laughing and looking back at his sister as she punched him in the arm.

She turned to the Joe and Murr hugging them. Brian stood back a bit. The last time he saw her she was sals annoying little sister but the person standing infront of him was a stunning young lady. He bit his lip looking down at the floor trying to hide his blushing as she stood in front of him. "Hey Quinn" she said reaching around his abdomen pulling him in "Jesus where's your pigtails" he said chuckling trying to avoid eye contact with her.

"Ha ha. I don't think pigtails would look good on me at 28" she said rolling her eyes at him. "Come on guys the vans outside." They all headed out of the lobby and out on the down. After a few different bars and dinner they ended up at a local music venue.

The venue was outdoors overlooking the Colorado River. The place was busy. They managed to snag a table with another group of people. The music was going as people were dancing. Brian was leaned against the bar waiting to be served as he made eye contact with Tess as she walked up leaning on the other side of him

"whatcha having cowboy?" She asked jokingly winking at the man. "I was gonna have a whiskey" he said grinning ear to ear at the girl "no no" she interjected as the bartender came to help them "we will both do a beer each and two shots of tequila" Brian looked puzzled at the girl "cowgirl I don't know if I can handle the tequila." He said holding one of the shots in his hands "down here in Texas we do tequila" she said reaching for her shot and holding it out to cheers Brian.

The night went on. Sal had too much to drink so Murr and Joe took him back to the hotel leaving Brian with Tess. She currently was asked to dance by an older gentleman to dance as they moved around the dance floor her dress and hair flowing in the breeze. Brian couldn't help but just watch her.

She looked so beautiful laughing and smiling as the older gentlemen twirled her around. As the song came to an end the man kissed her hand as the band slowed down their tone. She waltzed over to Brian extending her hand he smiled and shook his head "no way." She pouted her lip out "oh come on Quinn. You aren't gonna leave a girl hanging." He rolled his eyes before taking the girls hand into his.

She pulled his into the middle of the dance floor as she pulled his arm around her hip and took his hand into hers. Brian was watching his feet as the girl laughed "is the floor more interesting here Quinn?" She said ribbing the man who looked into her eyes. They were big and hazel. They had specks of green and blue. He never noticed how enticing her eyes were.

"I-uh" he stuttered "I didn't want to step on your feet." He managed to get out. Tessa realized his nervousness as she smiled into Brian's eyes "sorry Mr. Quinn but it seems like you are stammering here." She said teasingly as Brian smiled. He pulled his face close to hers before placing his cheek onto hers.

They were quiet for a moment before Tessa broke the silence. "With you being so close you won't be able to find a nice Texas girl for you tonight." She said quietly into his ears. Brian's heart was beating out of his chest. His eyes were closed as he swayed around the spot with this beautiful girl in his arms.

He wasn't going to respond but couldn't help himself in the moment. "No one here is anywhere close to being as beautiful as you look tonight." She was immediately taken back by his comment. Her face turned red as she blushed and bit down on her lip. "Come on she said" moving back from the man still holding his hand. "Let's go for a walk."

They ended up walking by the river. The moonlight engulfing the water as the reflection shines off the water. They made small talk still walking hand in hand. Brian stopped suddenly as they still could faintly hear the music Brian pulled her in again. Slowly swaying to the music but instead of cheek to cheek they were forehead to forehead. Before she knew it Brian's lips were grazing hers.

Her arms gently wrapped around the back of his neck. His hand holding the small of her back as he pressed into her. They both came to just staring at each other in the eyes. He grabbed her hand and they continued to walk down the path. They finally stopped when they found a tree.

Brian sat down in front of the tree with his back against it. Tessa made a spot leaning her back into Brian and sitting between his legs. They stayed up until the sun started rising just talking about everything. Their lives. Their interests. By the time they got back to the hotel the sun was fully up.

Tessa walked Brian up to his room. When they reached his door he took her into her arms again leaning her against the wall kissing her. She knew if she didn't leave she'd end up in Brian's room. She broke the kiss abruptly before thanking Brian for the night and headed to the elevator. Brian watched the girl until she disappeared.

Two weeks later Tessa would meet Matt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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