Doctor Doctor

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The week went on. Brian stayed at Tessa's, Tessa would stay at Brian's. They had talked everything through but we're still unsure what to do. They both decided to wait until her doctors appointment to see how they felt after to make a decision.

Friday finally came. Thursday night she spent on Brian's cough tapping away on her laptop making teaching plans for her sub.

They drove an hour into the city. Tessa found a doctor who worked in both Manhattan and Staten Island. They parked the car and walked to the office hand in hand. It was brisk out. It wasn't exactly the normal cold of December but it was mild out.

After signing in at the receptionist desk Tessa sat down next to Brian. Her leg was moving up and down "you okay?" Brian asked quietly. "Just nervous." She responded panning the room of all the pregnant women there.  He grabbed her hand and gave it a soft squeeze "I'm right by your side." He said trying to reassure Tess that everything would be okay.

"Tessa?" The nurse called out into the waiting room. She let out a sigh "that's us." She said getting up from the chair with Brian following.

The nurse led them back explaining first she was going to get some vitals. She got Tessa's weight, blood pressure, and temp. "So far so good" the nurse said getting up and handing her an exam cape. "Go ahead and undress from the waist down and I'll come back to check the heartbeat." Tessa did just that handing Brian her clothes as he put them in the chair in the room "hide my underwear!" She told Brian as he was organizing her clothes "really? You're worried about your underwear when your half naked?" He said shaking his head. "You wouldn't understand" she said motioning for him to come stand by her head.

A knock came through the door as Tess let the nurse know she could enter.  She pulled the chair over to the exam table "alright I'm going to put the gel on and you will feel warmth on your stomach" the nurse explained as Tessa nodded and looked up to Brian. The nurse put the Doppler onto Tessa's stomach as the room filled with sounds that sounded like a tornado. The nurse started moving the Doppler around her stomach.

The tornado sound was quickly joined by the sound of a quick and fast heartbeat. "Holy shit" Brian let out as he looked at the hand of the nurse on Tessa's stomach. Tess noticed the nurses face. It was listening intently before she got up. "Excuse me a moment" she said before walking out of the room. Immediately Tessa's eyes looked at Brian and Brian back at her "what was that?" Tessa asked. Brian looked concerned. When the nurse came back she had a small petite doctor with her.

"Hello Ms. Vulcano. I'm Doctor Ross." She reached out her hand to shake it and turned to Brian "I'm Brian Quinn" he said shaking her hand. "We are going to do an ultrasound just to make sure everything is measuring up correctly and looks good." Brian quickly spoke up "doc so there's nothing to worry about?" Brian asked as the doctor put on gloves and sat down in front of Tessa "no no standard procedure." She said grabbing the want and putting gel on it. "Place your legs into the stirrups" doctor Ross told Tessa "I'm going in insert the wand into your vagina so we can see the uterus.

Tessa winced uncomfortably as the doctor inserted the wand. The doctor looked around for a minute before speaking she pointed at the screen "okay what you see is the ovaries, here is the uterus, and the black blob that's the amniotic sac" she said pointing everything out on the screen to them. Brian noticed something as he stared at the screen

"hey doc, is it normal to have two sacs in there?" He said not knowing really even what he was looking at. The doctor smiled at them "well you see those two circles here? That's the fetus and as you can see there are two sacs" Tessa shot her head up "wait are you saying-" the doctor nodded. Brian was still confused "looks like you are having twins. Congratulations guys." She said "I'm going to take some pictures for you." She said exiting the room.

Brian and Tess stared at each other. This whole time they've been concerned with one baby now there are two. They looked at each other silently as the doctor entered the room again handing Brian the ultrasound photos. "The nurse is going to take you down to get some blood drawn. Mr. Quinn if you want to stay in here feel free or you can wait in the waiting room. Once you get done Tessa you guys are free to leave. We'll see you in one month." Dr Ross exited the room as the nurse entered and took Tess to get her blood work.

Leaving Brian alone in the room with the ultrasound photos. He Leaned on the counter looking at the photos intently and in disbelief. About 5 minutes later Tessa re-emerged into the room gathering her things and they walked down to the lobby. As they entered the vestibule Brian finally spoke

"what if we did this?" He asked Tessa turned around looking at him. "What?" She said surprised and completely taken back by this question from Brian. "Me and you. What if we did this. What if we had the babies and were parents?" He asked tears welling up in his eyes "are you serious she asked shocked by the words coming out of Brian's mouth.

"Dead serious. I know I've never wanted kids but hearing the sound of the heartbeat and seeing them on screen. THEM" he said excitedly "two of them. Let's do this Tessa. Let's be parents." He said overjoyed as tears rolled down his face. Seeing Brian's reaction and hearing his words she nodded yes while crying. He quickly embraced her into a huge hug kissing her on her lips. "We're having babies" he said as he pulled out the ultrasound photos. They looked at them happily.

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