Seeing double.

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A week had gone by. Tessa was busy with school and Brian was busy with appearances. It was a regular boring Tuesday. It was test day for her students so she really had an easy day. During lunch time she was sitting in the teachers lounge accompanied by an older teacher Mrs. Jennings. She was heating up her lunch and the smell of the food was getting to her. She started sweating as she felt the vomit coming up her throat. She ran over to the trash can and immediately started throwing up.

"Oh my god. Oh god I'm so sorry" she said as she was still leaned over the trash.

"Oh it's quite alright" Mrs. Jennings said getting you and getting water from the water cooler handing it over to Tessa. She nodded as she slowly started drinking the cold water.

"I don't know what's going on. I have been on and off throwing up for the last week. I think I might have caught something." She said wiping her mouth and taking a seat across from the petite older woman.

"How far along are you?" The teacher asked making Tessa spit out her water "excuse me?!" Tess said at the accusation from the older woman.

"Listen sweetheart, I've been pregnant 5 times. I know that look from a mile away." The other teacher said crossing her arms on the table.

Tessa waived her hands in disagreement. "No no there's no way I'm pregnant I just ate something that must not have agreed with me."

"Something that didn't agree with you a week ago and you're still are sick?" The teacher responded  raising her eyebrow at the young woman.

Tessa's mind started racing. If by chance she was pregnant it obviously wasn't Matt's. Her mouth dropped slightly realizing whose it was.

After school ended she rushed towards home. She parked outside the store around the block from her house. She headed immediately towards the family planning section. She started at all the tests. There was shelves dedicated to pregnancy tests. She panned around seeing what they all have. The options were endless. She found an early result two pack and grabbed it. Hiding the test under her arm so no one saw. She quickly headed to the fridge section grabbing a big bottle of water and heading to the counter. There was an old woman behind the counter as Tessa placed the items on the counter. The old woman panned her hand noticing she wasn't wearing a ring and looked judgmental over her glasses at Tessa. Tessa noticed the look and quickly started looking away. That's the last thing she needed was some old lady's judgement over the pregnancy test that sat on the counter.

She grabbed the bag the lady had in her extended hand and quickly rushed back to her car as she started chugging the water

By the time she pulled up to her apartment she finished the water. And ran upstairs already having to pee. She danced around the bathroom trying to take the tests out of there wrappers.

After taking the tests she put the caps on and set the timer on her phone. Four minutes

Four minutes. She paced around the bathroom.

Three minutes.  She went in the living room trying to play it cool

Two minutes she was getting aggravated. How is this possibly taking so long

One minute. She reentered the bathroom sitting on the ledge of the tub bouncing her legs.

Her alarm went off.

She dismissed the alarm and stood up looking in the mirror. Before slowly peering down at the test.

Two sets of pink lines.

"Holy fuck, I'm pregnant."

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