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"what the hell are you doing here" she asked as the crossed her arms and leaned on the frame of her door.

"I was just at your folks place and they insisted on me bringing you a plate" he said trying not to make eye contact with the girl her hair was down in a big curly state which was rare to see. She only wore her robe as the cool November breeze was slightly making the robe flow.

"And the flowers?" She said looking at him puzzled

"Who doesn't like flowers when they are sick" he said finally making eye contact with the girl. "May I come in?" He asked as the girl stood firm in the doorway.

"Don't you have somewhere to be" she asked hoping he'd get the hint.

"I did. But uh something came up" he said as the girl rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. She moved out of the doorway letting him enter.

She led him to the kitchen as he placed the flowers and plastic bags on the counter. She grabbed out a vase filling it with water as she unwrapped the plastic from the flowers.

"Okay let's see I got thanksgiving dinner or I have pecan pie. Your choice" Brian said taking out the plates from the bag.

"Pie" Tess responded as Brian popped the dinner into the fridge. She grabbed plates and forks from the cabinet as Brian cut two pieces of pie for them.

"Go take a seat. I got this" he said shooing the girl out of the kitchen. Before entering the living room and handing her a plate. She thanked him as she plate on her lap as she sat crossed legged on the couch. They began eating as the silence filled the room.

"Quite the disappearing act you did the last time I saw you" he said flashing her a questionable grin "what the hell was that about" he questioned the girl.

"It's not like you sent out a search party looking for me" she said taking a piece of pie on her fork.

"Yeah yeah you got me there" he was nodding and slightly taken back by the response. "But I figured if you wanted to be found you'd make it know"

She sat silent for a moment "looks like you got a nice place though" he said looking around the apartment

"Yeah I guess it's alright. It's quiet." She responded following his eyes looking around.

"Silence is good sometimes" he said placing his plate onto the side table and leaning against the arm of the couch to face her. "Is it weird? Being back after all this time" he asked trying not to be totally upfront of wanting to know why she's back.

"Brian everything's weird right now. I gotta relearn myself. Find out who that woman is again." She said turning away from his face so he couldn't see her eyes.

The last few months had been an emotional roller coaster for Tessa. And being here facing the one person she never imagined she'd be alone with was even harder.

He noticed the tears welling in her eyes. "Are you okay? Like really okay?" He asked staring directly at her trying to be as empathetic as possible.

"Man I'm such an idiot" she said wiping her face. "I thought I had it all. I had a career. A house. A man that loved me" she said letting out a small chuckle "or at least that's what I thought. How do you propose to someone knowing damn well you've been cheating on that person for two years and had a full blown secret life with someone else?"

Brian's face fell flat as Tess was talking. He felt a tug on his heart. It was only years before that he was in this same situation

"Yeah it's shit isn't it" he said looking down. She looked at him "how did we get here?" She asked as the tears streamed down her face before quickly covering her face with her hands. "I'm sorry I'm being stupid. It's just pms" she said wiping the tears from her face.

"Hey cmon now you are anything but stupid Tessa." He said embracing the girl into his arms. Her head on his chest as he rubbed her back. He gently kissed the top of her head. "Would you like me to stay for awhile?" He asked as she removed her head from his chest and threw up his hands "no funny business" she let out a small laugh "cross your heart?" She asked while taking a sip of water. He made a cross sign over his heart. "Cross my heart."

The night went on. The two just sat there talking and reminiscing about the past. She had her head on the arm of the couch closest to her as they talked. It was about 2 in the morning when Tess drifted off to sleep. Brian got off the couch and cradled the girl in his arms carrying her to bed. He gently placed her onto her pillow before covering her with her blanket. She looked so peaceful. He stared at the girl as the moon peeked through her window. He kissed her forehead gently as he whispered goodnight before leaving.

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