Explosion to the Heart (Tabitha Smith, aka Boom Boom)

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"Y'know? Maybe I do need to cut loose more from now on..." Tabitha Smith sighed, her hand right on her glass of liquor as she just listened to her friends talk with each other. She would have prefered to be doing nothing right at her house, but she had been invited by her best friends and was also getting free drinks. How could she say no? "'Cause this shit-faced girls night out thing..." She wanted to groan, though held it in as she heard the comment from Xi'an Coy Manh, also known as Karma, who looked as if she couldn't control her drink. "It was fun!"

"That's the spirit! Embrace that spark!" Tabitha glanced towards the company she had, Karma was laughing almost hysterically while Mirage, whose real name was Danielle Moonstar, looked almost as if she had not taken a single drink. And Tabitha was sure that Danielle had been the one who had drunk more of the three. "Ain't that right, Boom Boom?"

"You girls do you, cause there's like-" It was then that she had to quickly move her hand towards her mouth, silencing a burp that wanted to escape from her throat. She sighed, taking a small sip from her drink as she reclined against her shoulders again. "Nothing that I would do differently, booze or not" She actually had a single wish she wanted to complete before her life was terminated forever. She knew that, even with the Eggs that revived them constantly, death would come sooner or later. "I'm already the best me I can be, all the time"

"I'm not buying it" Boom Boom just shrugged at the response, really not caring all that much about what they may think. She didn't have to answer their questions. She had a right to have secrets. And even if it was a world breaking secret, it was her secret. But as each sip to her drink she did, the more free tongued she got.

"You got nothing to improve on?" Tabitha held the drink with both hands. Her resolve was slowly breaking apart, as she tried to withhold her secret. She didn't need to tell them what she wanted in the first place. "No regrets?" Regret. The word that almost made her break. Her shoulders were shaking softly, thankfully unnoticeable to the two drunkards with her. "Seriously?"

"Well..." And it was right there that she just wanted to hit herself for even opening her mouth. She could even see just how her two friends widened their eyes in astonishment, awaiting for her answer patiently. She just had to have a motor mouth. "There is one thing I want to do before I die..."

"Well?" Tabitha sighed, her eyes growing weary and tired as she heard Mirage's voice, but the glass in her hand kept her awake. She shook her head, trying to forget about the ass that haunted her dreams. She had to admit that for being a male, his ass was one of the best she had seen of any male out there. "Come on!"

"Forget it" She said with a roll of her eyes. She just wanted to forget about everything. It was the sole reason that she was drinking in the first place. She just wanted to forget about his smile, his good nature, his great physique. She just wanted to forget about him. But even as she kept on trying, she just wanted to be in his arms.

"Come on~ Just-"

"Fine!" She yelled, tired of being questioned about everything. All she wanted to do was to stand up and leave, but she still had her drink. Sue her for just wanting to enjoy a couple of drinks. Her life was stressic enough to guarantee a couple of drinks. "It's just..." She moved her drink to her mouth. She wanted to muffle the sound, so that the other two wouldn't know what she was saying. "I wanna fuck Spider-Man"

There was a sudden silence, as she put the glass back down. She didn't even want to look their way, the two were sure to make fun of her. She just needed to wait for the gates to be overflowed and soon the laughter would control them. And it didn't even pass a second since she thought of that, when Mirage and Karma were already laughing.

"Get out!" Mirage laughed, making the blonde female let out a sigh in irritation. She knew that she should not care about what other people think about who she wants to fuck. It is her life for god's sake. But these were her best friends, the one she trusted in to not make fun of her.

"With Spidey!" Karma almost fell to the floor, and Boom Boom was letting small explosives out of her hands. It was nothing major, but her anger was slightly getting the best of her. She could easily control her emotions, but one thing was controlling them when sane and another one was controlling them when she was almost wasted. "Really?"

"I'm out of here..." She stood up, drinking the liquor in the glass in one go, before moving away. She never expected them to make fun of her this way. She expected more from her friends, from the ones she trusted to have her back. It was then that she knew... that she trusted them way too much. "I knew you bitches wouldn't understand..."

Tabitha ignored the shouts of her friends calling her out. She was sick of being the one who was always in the wrong. The one who should plead for mercy and ask forgiveness. She was tired. And she just wanted out of Krakoa, at least for the night. And with that in mind, she just kept walking away.

Time Skip; Streets of New York

"Fuck~" She hiccuped, her entire body reclined over the nearest building she could find. She was completely wasted, her body moving on her own as she continued slowly through the city that never sleeps. She stumbled slightly, her feet almost unable to carry her. Especially when she was wearing high heels and not her combat boots.

"Hey there, babe? Wanna hang out?" She hiccuped once, her eyes rising in confusion as she couldn't see clearly the man in front of her. Though she did notice that the man was not alone, as two or three figures neared them. She took a step back, her eyes blinking twice to be able to adapt her vision. And it was then that she saw their lustful gaze. "I promise it is going to be fun~!"

"No... thanks..." She whispered, a hiccup escaping from her lips as she just watched the group of four walk forward with less than good intentions. She could use her powers to scare the gang, but she knew that with the treatment mutants were getting, it would only persuade the men to do something even worse against her. "I'll just... be on my way..."

"Come on, sweetheart! I just know that-"


"Oh shi-"


Tabitha couldn't help but look in awe as the man of her dreams was saving her yet again. She still remembers when he saved her from Cyclops when he was possessed by the Phoenix Force. And ever since that moment, her mind just wandered to him. Her eyes went from almost dropping dead to being as focused as ever, watching every single movement the man made.

"Tabby! What the hell are you doing here?" She sighed in a love struck matter. Hearing the nickname that he had just for her was making her legs tremble in weakness. She just kept staring at him, her body not even responding to her. "Tabitha... Are you-"

"Spidey~!" She then jumped, giggling like crazy as she was caught in the arms of the very strong hero. She could feel his muscles, it made her shiver just by thinking about them. "It's great to see you again~!" Her legs were around his waist and her arms snaked around his neck. She had her eyes half opened, looking at him as if he was her prey. She even licked her lips, already relishing in the fact that she had what she wanted. And nobody could tell her otherwise. She was drunk, she was horny, and she was in the arms of the man she wanted to fuck. "Thanks for the save~!"

"Yeah..." She kissed his mask, trailing kisses all around his face. She was giggling like mad, though she was also slowly getting sleepy. It always happens when she drinks. So she just continued with what she wanted. Nobody was there to tell her otherwise. She was getting webbed one way or another. "Look, your friends-"

She internally groaned as soon as she heard the word. Those two were no friends of her, mocking her and just not respecting her opinion was the lowest they could get. And since she didn't want to hear anything else, she removed his mask and kissed him right on his lips. She moaned, the husky smell of liquor escaping from her lips. Thankfully, the male didn't seem to mind, prompting her to continue with her actions.

"I need you to fuck me~" She was already dry humping the hero, feeling the tension between her hips. She wanted it, her mind clouded by lust and liquor. It was about time that she could finally get her chance at having what she wanted. And she was not going to accept any other question. "Fuck me~!"

"Shit..." The hero grunted, changing her position instantly before she felt the wind over her face. She smirked, her hand moving towards his lower area. She was already expecting to be promptly fucked and it was that what she wanted in the first place. So she was going to make the best of this night. She was going to make his world explode in lust, one way or another.

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